Looking at North Korea across a "gulf of misperception"

Sep 14, 2017
Things aren’t getting better between North Korea and the rest of the world. The United Nations imposed another round of sanctions this week. In response, North Korea said it would “sink” Japan using nuclear weapons and reduce the United States to “ashes and darkness.” Evan Osnos is a staff writer at the New Yorker and […]

As technology and geopolitics change, so does scrutiny of foreign business deals

Sep 14, 2017
President Trump put the brakes on a plan for Chinese investors to buy U.S.-based Lattice Semiconductor, after the Committee on Foreign Investment gave the deal a thumbs down. Foreign companies who want major stakes in U.S. firms face a federal process anytime national security is deemed at stake. With technology evolving, more deals may be […]

Cruz proposes “full and immediate” expensing for businesses

Sep 13, 2017
Mark your calendars for the week of September 25. That’s when Republicans say they’ll role out more details of their plan for tax reform. Republican Sen. Ted Cruz of Texas presented details of his priorities today at the Tax Foundation. On that list, right after “a low, flat tax rate” and “file on a postcard” […]

So just what is a single-payer system?

Sep 13, 2017
Sarah Kliff of Vox explains Bernie Sander's new universal health care plan, Medicaid for All.
Sen. Bernie Sanders, an Independent from Vermont, introduces the Medicare for All legislation, his plan for government-sponsored universal health care, on Capitol Hill today.

San Diego Mayor on the impact of NAFTA and Congressional action on DACA

Sep 11, 2017
Republican Mayor Kevin Faulconer on the importance of Congressional action for DACA and how NAFTA has meant billions for San Diego.
San Diego Mayor Kevin Faulconer.
Gage Skidmore/Wikimedia Commons

Big Tech is spending a lot on lobbying, but it's not clear what goes toward immigration

Sep 11, 2017
Google, Apple, Microsoft and others have loudly denounced Trump's immigration policy, but their lobbying reports tell a different story.
Immigrants and supporters march to oppose President Donald Trump's order end to DACA on Sept. 5 in Los Angeles.
David McNew/Getty Images

House plans vote as deadline looms for FAA reauthorization

Sep 11, 2017
One of the looming deadlines for Congress this month is re-authorizing funding for the Federal Aviation Administration. A House vote on that is scheduled this week. Competing funding bills in the House and Senate address things like commercial drones, navigation technology, and air traffic control systems.  Click the audio player above to hear the full […]

For public good, not for profit.

Will Trump's deal with Democrats affect tax reform?

Sep 8, 2017
The deal on the debt ceiling and the budget also begs the question if there will be more bipartisanship in the future.
President Donald Trump speaks about the need for tax reform at Andeavor Refinery in Mandan, North Dakota, on Wednesday.

Ronald D. Moore on writing sci-fi amidst cultural "turmoil"

Sep 8, 2017
The genre allows him to discuss controversial topics in a non-threatening way, he says.
Writer-producer Ronald D. Moore's latest stint is with the time-traveling "Outlander." His earlier work includes "Star Trek: The Next Generation" and the reboot of "Battlestar Galactica." Above, Moore speaks at a 2015 Comic-Con panel in San Diego, California.
Ethan Miller/Getty Images

What budget cuts would mean for predicting storms like Irma

Sep 8, 2017
High-resolution satellite images are critical tools for meteorologists, but proposed cuts to the weather service could put them at risk.
Hurricane Irma approaches Anguilla on Sept. 6 in this GOES-16 satellite image.