Negotiators get ready for NAFTA talks. How hard will it be?

Aug 14, 2017
Think about the hardest negotiation you’ve ever done — maybe over a salary or buying a house. Maybe some big deal at work. Those are like the simplest kiddie-puzzles compared with the 5,000 piece jigsaw that is a trade negotiation. Then, imagine you had to start all over once it was done, and maybe add […]
President Trump speaks during a security briefing Thursday at his golf club in Bedminster, New Jersey.

Food is at the center of US-UK trade concerns

Aug 11, 2017
The big fear is that America will flood the market with cheap produce.
Pedigree Aberdeen Angus beef cattle on a farm in Macclesfield, England. 
Photo by Christopher Furlong/Getty Images

What the leaked climate change reports tells us about the carbon economy

Aug 8, 2017
The White House has until next week to finish reviewing a federal climate report, but someone leaked a draft to the New York Times, possibly out of fear the Trump administration would sit on it. The report states definitively that climate change is happening, that humans are causing it and that there will be dire […]

Trump wants to end the opioid crisis, but offers no new policies to do it

Aug 8, 2017
President Trump this afternoon acknowledged the epidemic of opioid abuse in the U.S., but took no action on a report by a commission he created to study the crisis. That report urged the president to declare a national emergency to combat the health crisis. In a briefing with his top officials, Trump said there is […]

The federal government under Trump has 11,000 less workers – although that may not be by design

Aug 7, 2017
We’re at the 200-day mark of Donald Trump’s presidency. One policy goal that seems to have been achieved so far: cutting the size of the federal workforce. The July jobs report found that the Trump administration has shed almost 11,000 workers since January. In comparison, President Obama added 60,000 new federal employees in his first […]

What went wrong with globalization?

Aug 7, 2017
Opening up borders created economic winners, but the losers were hit disproportionately hard.
Ken Garduno, Illustrator

For public good, not for profit.

Economists think immigration boosts growth. So why does Trump want to cut it?

Aug 3, 2017
President Trump threw his weight behind a massive change to U.S. immigration policy this week, supporting a proposal that would cut legal immigration to the U.S. in half during the next decade. The bill would limit the ability of legal residents and American citizens to bring family members to the country in favor of highly […]

Ex-Im Bank sparks fight over its role and leader

Aug 3, 2017
There’s a sharp division in the Republican Party between libertarians, who believe in free markets without government interference, and more mainline, pro-business Republicans, who want the government to intervene in markets to help U.S. businesses. The latest example of this? The Export-Import Bank, which provides loans to foreign businesses or governments so they can buy U.S. […]

Congress needs to pass tax reform. Or else.

Aug 3, 2017
The senior vice president of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce says lawmakers have to compromise to make it happen.
The Senate side of the U.S. Capitol. The Senate is scheduled to return from summer break on Sept. 5.
Mark Wilson/Getty Images