U.S. considering action against China over trade

Aug 2, 2017
The White House is planning to investigate China for unfair trade practices — specifically over intellectual property, or IP. U.S. companies that want to do business in China often have to turn over their IP in order to do so — plans, blueprints and technical specifications. The longstanding allegation is that Chinese companies then steal […]

Why the oil industry may be the most corrupt in the world

Jul 31, 2017
Two cases of illegal payments and bribery came to light recently. One is against the oil services company Halliburton in Angola. The other involves a mining subsidiary of Glencore doing business in the Democratic Republic of Congo. With government heavily involved and centralizing many so-called extractive industries, drilling and mining are more prone to corruption […]

Tax reform is the next battleground

Jul 31, 2017
With the drama around health care refusing to die, legislators already have begun the next big policy effort on the Hill: tax reform. Congressional Republican leaders last week laid out what they want — permanent tax reductions is what it boils down to. And conservative organizations and grassroots groups are getting ready to blast Congress […]

EPA turns to environmental cleanup, away from climate change

Jul 31, 2017
Tomorrow , the Senate subcommittee that oversees the EPA’s Superfund program is scheduled to hold a hearing on the program’s work. That’s the initiative, begun in 1980, that cleans up sites contaminated with hazardous materials. Under EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt, the agency is refocusing its attention toward environmental cleanups. But that doesn’t necessarily mean many […]

Despite enacting a budget, Illinois has a financial struggle ahead

Jul 31, 2017
In two years with no budget, Illinois racked up $10 billion in unpaid bills — and now spends $2 million a day on interest.
The historic Illinois State Capitol building. 
Mark Wilson / Getty Images

Ahead of the controversial election, the scene in Venezuela is chaotic

There’s an election in Venezuela this Sunday that’s bringing the years of political and economic crisis to a head. Venezuela has suffered through general strikes and economic downturn, with skyrocketing inflation rates. And more than 100 people have been killed in violence related to political protests since April. Now President Nicolas Maduro wants to elect a new national […]

How close are we to tax reform?

Jul 28, 2017
Budget Director Mick Mulvaney says the White House and Republicans in Congress are on the same page, but questions remain.
Mick Mulvaney, director of the Office of Management and Budget, testifies during a Financial Services and General Government Subcommittee hearing on the budget on Capitol Hill in June.
Astrid Riecken/Getty Images

For public good, not for profit.

Venezuela votes on new constitutional body

Jul 28, 2017
Venezuelans head to the polls on Sunday to elect members for a “constituent assembly” that would rewrite the country’s 18-year-old constitution. This week, the United States imposed new sanctions on top officials in President Nicolas Maduro’s government to try to stop the rewrite.  Click the audio player above to hear the full story.

Scaramucci's hedge fund sale to Chinese firm could pose a conflict of interest

Jul 27, 2017
Anthony Scaramucci, the new White House communications director, still has pending business with China. His hedge fund firm, SkyBridge Capital, will be sold to a Chinese company, the HNA Group, once regulators sign off. The Wall Street Journal reports the deal could be worth $250 million and that Scaramucci himself stands to earn between $62 […]