How POTUS could get his WOTUS repeal fast tracked

Jul 27, 2017
A House energy and water spending bill has a provision that would help the Trump administration get its desired repeal of the Waters of the U.S. rule, the rule by which the federal government regulates land use in the name of water quality. Click the audio player above to hear the full story.

How a business tycoon cashed in on the Mexican Revolution

Jul 26, 2017
You may not have heard of him, but the Tennessee farm boy was once the richest man in Mexico.
Mexico City in 1912.
Reinhold Thiele/Thiele/Getty Images

Tax plan math: how middle class and corporate tax cuts square with deficit reduction goals

Jul 26, 2017
President Donald Trump wants the top U.S. corporate tax rate cut to 15 percent, as well as tax relief for middle-income Americans, he told the Wall Street Journal. The president also indicated a willingness to increase some taxes on rich Americans. But those cuts risk adding to the deficit over the next ten years. And […]

The IMF downgrades the U.S. economy, and that's bad news for the Trump administration

Jul 24, 2017
The International Monetary Fund on Monday downgraded its estimate of U.S. growth prospects. Only three months ago, the world financial body said it thought U.S. gross domestic product would grow by 2.3 percent this year and 2.5 percent next year. Now, it’s lowered its estimates to 2.1 percent. That’s bad news for the economy and […]

The part of Obamacare even Republicans like

Jul 24, 2017
The ACA's Innovation Center finds ways to slow spending while looking out for patients.
Ariel Fernandez, left, sits with Noel Nogues, an insurance adviser with UniVista Insurance company, as he signs up for the Affordable Care Act in 2015 in Miami.
Joe Raedle/Getty Images

Laying the groundwork for post-Brexit trade

Jul 24, 2017
Representatives from the U.S. and Britain are meeting today for the first time to talk about what the trade relationship between the two countries will look like after Brexit. But there is only so much U.S. and British negotiators can work out in advance. That’s because we still don’t know what Brexit will look like.  Click […]

As Amazon grows, so does its lobbying budget

Jul 21, 2017
Amazon just keeps growing. So does its spending on lobbying in support of policies it thinks will aid that growth. Filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission show the company is on track to spend $12 million lobbying this year, $1 million more than it spent in 2016. What’s on Amazon’s wish list? Click the […]

For public good, not for profit.

Can the president keep his tax cut promise?

Jul 21, 2017
This week, the House of Representatives detailed a 2018 budget plan, a first step toward a tax code overhaul. But it’ll be no small lift to get to the big corporate tax cut President Trump has promised. The administration wants to lower corporate tax rates from 35 percent to 15 percent. That’s going to be […]

U. S. Chamber of Commerce has a stern message for GOP lawmakers

Jul 21, 2017
The U.S. Chamber of Commerce sent a shot across the bow of congressional Republicans in the form of a not-so-subtle message — don’t screw up tax cuts like you did health care reform, or else. Its letter explained that a year from now, the Chamber will be evaluating candidates based on their support for a “free […]

What the trade deficit means to Trump's trade agenda

Jul 21, 2017
NAFTA negotiations are quickly approaching.
President Trump leaves after speaking at the Presidential Advisory Commission on Election Integrity in Washington, D.C., on Wednesday.
SAUL LOEB/AFP/Getty Images