Large GI Bill expansion provides a big boost for veterans' education

Jul 14, 2017
House lawmakers yesterday announced bipartisan agreement on legislation to boost college aid for veterans. If passed, it would be the largest expansion of the GI Bill in nearly a decade.  Click the audio player above to hear the full story.

Trump and Macron have reasons to find common ground

Jul 14, 2017
President Trump is visiting France and its new president, Emmanuel Macron, at an auspicious moment for the French economy. After years of lackluster performance following the global financial crisis, unemployment has fallen below 10 percent, and labor market reforms are taking hold. Trump and Macron are both relative political outsiders who have disrupted their countries’ […]

Governors take up policy initiative as Trump administration struggles

Jul 13, 2017
Global leadership attendance at the National Governors Association underscores the increasingly important role statehouses are playing in shaping what normally has been federal policy.

A new regulator for the Federal Reserve may favor deregulation

Jul 11, 2017
President Trump has sent Congress his first nominee for a post at the Federal Reserve. He’s named Randal Quarles as Fed vice chair of supervision. That’s the central bank’s top banking regulator. He’s the first one to hold the position since it was created seven years ago under Dodd-Frank financial reform law. And, maybe ironically, […]

Who's on the Trump administration's deregulation task force?

Jul 11, 2017
The New York Times and ProPublica found 28 people with potential conflicts of interest.

California’s wildfires are only getting more risky — and expensive

Jul 11, 2017
California Gov. Jerry Brown has issued a state of emergency for two wildfires that have forced thousands of people along the state’s central coast to get out of harm’s way. Wildfire season has been extended by 70 to 80 days in the past decade, and California has increased its emergency fund to reflect new predictions. Local, […]

Why aren't more bankers in jail after the financial crisis?

Jul 11, 2017
A look at why the Department of Justice pursues settlements instead of indictments.
Two employees of Christie's auction house maneuver the Lehman Brothers corporate logo on September 24, 2010 in London, England. Lehman Brothers, a financial services firm, was a key entity in the financial crisis that was not deemed too big to fail.
Oli Scarff/Getty Images

For public good, not for profit.

After G-20, U.S. isolated on trade and climate change

Jul 10, 2017
At the G-20 summit in Hamburg, Germany over the weekend, Japan and the European Union announced an agreement in principle for a new trade accord. And they touted free trade at a time when they see America shifting towards protectionism. Meanwhile, German Chancellor Angela Merkel called President Trump’s decision to exit the Paris climate agreement […]

What Qatar's diplomatic crisis means for the global helium supply

Jul 10, 2017
"There's been a lot of instability and drama in the helium market in the past few years."
Wikimedia Commons

Congress has three weeks before its next break — and a mighty long to-do list

Jul 10, 2017
Congress is back from its July Fourth break, facing a daunting to-do list, like the reauthorization of expiring programs, funding for veterans, children’s health insurance and the Federal Aviation Administration. Lawmakers are scheduled to start their August recess in just three weeks. Health care is at the top of Congress’ agenda, but if it doesn’t […]