Uncertainty over U.S. trade policy frustrates allies

Jun 30, 2017
Do imports of foreign steel and aluminum compromise national security? President Trump told the Commerce Department to speed up its investigation of that question and come back with some answers today. It didn’t happen. Officials said that was due to “unanticipated complexities.” But China, the European Union and other steel-exporting nations, fearing the U.S. could  […]

The media blitz on health care bill begins as lawmakers head home for holiday

Jun 30, 2017
Advocacy groups prepare to petition Senators undecided on the health care bill.

Are we worrying too much about the "skills gap?"

Jun 30, 2017
Some economists say businesses would find the workers they need if they simply raised wages.

What happens when a state has $15 billion worth of unpaid bills?

Jun 29, 2017
Decisions about who gets paid are 'life and death,' says the Illinois comptroller.
The former Illinois state capitol building in Springfield.
Photo by Mark Wilson/Getty Images

Indian businesses protest new tax system

Jun 29, 2017
Plans by Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi to reform the nation’s tax system have sparked fiery protests across the country. For the first time, many small traders must pay tax. Businesses say they aren’t ready for the new system, which goes into effect this weekend. The government maintains the overhaul is needed to finance infrastructure […]

Debt: Another big congressional battle on the horizon

Jun 29, 2017
The Congressional Budget Office is expected to release a report today on the country’s debt ceiling. The debt limit, which caps the amount the United States can borrow, was reinstated back in March. And the Treasury Department began using what are called “extraordinary measures” to help cover its obligations. But those will run out at […]

How Trump's political drama could hurt the economy

Jun 28, 2017
Investigations and turmoil have potential economic costs, experts say.
President Trump speaks at a rally on June 21 in Cedar Rapids, Iowa.
Scott Olson/Getty Images

For public good, not for profit.

Fearing deportation, families prepare custody paperwork

Jun 28, 2017
Parents living in the U.S. illegally are confronting the possibility they could be separated from their children.
Immigrant services staffers at a community center in Stamford, Connecticut, sign as witnesses after Ecuadorian parents signed a legal document giving custody of their children to friends in case they are deported .
John Moore/Getty
 Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) (C) talks to reporters with (L-R) Sen. Cory Gardner (R-CO), Sen. John Barrosso (R-WY) and Sen. John Thune (R-SD).
Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images

Globalization: political rhetoric vs. on-the-ground reality

Jun 26, 2017
South Carolina’s political elite turned out today to celebrate an expansion of BMW’s facility in the Palmetto State. It’s now BMW’s largest in the world. At the event, Sen. Lindsey Graham had this to say on Twitter: “to those who fear globalization, embrace it b/c it’s not going away…if you want to see the good […]