What the Trump White House and a newly public company have in common

Jun 26, 2017
The president has been met with levels of scrutiny that he probably wasn't ready for.
John Paul Rollert, a professor of business ethics, says President Trump, above, with Vice President Mike Pence, has been chafing at a “series of customs and norms around public disclosure.”
Alex Wong/Getty Images

India’s prime minister to call on Trump, and H-1B visas can’t be ignored

Jun 26, 2017
Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi will be in Washington today for his first meeting with President Trump. The two are likely to stick to subjects both countries agree on — defense and counterterrorism — but the issue of H-1B visas can’t be ignored.  Click the audio player above to hear the full story.

Weekly Wrap: Is it a health care bill or a redistribution of wealth?

Jun 23, 2017
Rachel Abrams from The New York Times and Sheelah Kolhatkar from The New Yorker join us to discuss the week’s business and economic news. Now that Senate Republicans have unveiled their health care plan, a bill drafted in secret, we look at the potential impact it will have on low-income earners and how it could redistribute wealth to […]
Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images

Mayors are hungry for details about Trump's infrastructure plan

Jun 23, 2017
More than 250 mayors are in Miami Beach for the annual U.S. Conference of Mayors. A White House infrastructure adviser is there, too, and city leaders have plenty of questions. What’s in Trump’s infrastructure plan as far as federal partnerships with cities and states? The plan includes about 200 million in federal spending to leverage […]

Democratic leaders try to formulate a sound economic message

Jun 22, 2017
Democrats are having a hard time crafting an economic message that gets through to voters. They lost two special congressional elections earlier this week. Some Democrats say being the anti-Trump party is a weak platform on which to take a stand and reach Americans who feel their concerns and needs are not being met. What […]

What it's like running a state health care exchange right now

Jun 22, 2017
'There's a huge amount of froth and churn that we're trying to navigate,' says Covered California's executive director.
“All health coverage is not created equal," says Covered California Executive Director Peter Lee. "A key question we all need to look at is: Are we going back to the days of skimpy benefits?”
Max Whittaker/Getty Images

What national monument status means for one vast Montana landscape

Jun 22, 2017
The Upper Missouri River Breaks includes Native American sites, Old West settlements and tens of thousands of acres of privately owned land.
Rancher Matt Knox on his family land near Winifred, Montana. Knox is part of Missouri River Stewards, a group which wants the Trump Administration to reduce the size of the Upper Missouri River Breaks National Monument and prevent further regulations on farms and ranches.
Dan Boyce

For public good, not for profit.

Republican Arkansas looks to cut its once-expanded Medicaid rolls

Jun 22, 2017
With the future of the Affordable Care Act uncertain, some states anticipate greater reductions by Congress.
Eddie Pannell is the retiring executive director at Harmony Health Clinic. He thinks many patients who left the free clinic after the passage of the Affordable Care Act will return if Congress cuts Medicaid.
Sarah Whites-Koditschek /Marketplace

America's great divide: Those who stayed in their hometowns and those who left

Jun 22, 2017
Polarization in the country might not be as simple as "liberals vs. conservatives."
Signs direct drivers in Sidney, Nebraska.
Spencer Platt/Getty Images

As big insurers flee Obamacare exchanges, others are jumping in

Jun 21, 2017
Today is the deadline for health insurance companies to decide if they’re going to be in or out of the health care exchanges in 2018. Several of the big insurers, like Anthem and Humana, are bailing on the exchanges in many markets, limiting or eliminating options for patients using Obamacare. But while some companies are […]