An Arizona ballot measure would expose hidden spending in politics

Proposition 211 would make political nonprofits disclose the names of original donors who spend beyond certain thresholds.
Terry Goddard, a former Arizona attorney general, has tried to get a law requiring disclosure of hidden political spending on the ballot since 2016. Arizonans will vote on it next month.
Alex Schroeder/Marketplace

Partisan gerrymandering can reduce access to credit, study finds

Sep 20, 2022
Lawmakers from politically drawn districts feel less pressure to cater to voters and exert less pressure on lenders, a researcher says.
Rawley Heimer, a professor of finance at Arizona State, says lawmakers from politically drawn  districts tend to be less sensitive to voters' needs and put less pressure on lenders.
i_frontier via Getty Images

Taking stock of Congress members' portfolios

A new report on stock trading by members of Congress reveals possible conflicts of interest.
A new report from the New York Times delves into stock trades by a number of  lawmakers that may present a conflict of interest.
Daniel Slim/AFP via Getty Images

Crypto's growth spawns a Washington debate: Who should regulate it?

Jun 8, 2022
A bill would put the Commodity Futures Trading Commission in charge. Some consumer advocates back the Securities and Exchange Commission.
The Securities and Exchange Commission has more people to oversee cryptocurrency than the smaller Commodity Futures Trading Commission, but other factors are involved.
Saul Loeb/AFP via Getty Images

Boston Consulting CEO on the ties between business and politics

Jan 25, 2021
Rich Lesser said the business world is ready to find common ground with the Biden administration.
The New York Stock Exchange in New York City. "I think business leaders are all struggling with how prominent to be" at a time of stark political division in the United States, Rich Lesser says.
Angela Weiss/AFP via Getty Images

The one place in Washington, D.C., where bipartisanship is flourishing

Dec 8, 2020
The biggest, most lucrative lobbying firms in Washington are bipartisan.
Brendan Smialowski/AFP via Getty Images

Political groups spend millions to turn out new voters

Sep 15, 2020
Finding and educating previously unregistered voters — and getting them to the polls — is an expensive business.
A voter casts her ballot in Louisville  during Kentucky's primary in June.
Brett Carlsen/Getty Images

For public good, not for profit.

A virtual DNC means Milwaukee loses revenue — and more

Aug 17, 2020
The city was expecting 50,000 visitors. Only a few hundred will actually turn up.
A view of the Wisconsin Center in Milwaukee, where the 2020 Democratic National Convention would have been held.
Stacy Revere/Getty Images

How lobbying and regulation can worsen inequality, according to one political science professor

Steven Teles wants to arm legislators with more research staff so they can push back when lobbyists fight institutional change.
Mandel Ngan/AFP via Getty Images

Why do political parties still hold conventions? (Hint: $$$)

Jul 16, 2020
They can juice local economies. They can also juice campaign coffers.
Joe Biden speaks during the 2016 Democratic National Convention in Pennsylvania. This year's convention will take place virtually at a later date.
Aaron P. Bernstein/Getty Images