GOP Economy: Mitt Romney's economic plan

Nov 28, 2011
Former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney lays out his economic platform in a 59-point pamphlet that promises a combination of tax cuts, spending cuts and a scaling back of regulations on business.

GOP Economy: Jon Huntsman's economic plan

Nov 28, 2011
Former Utah Gov. Jon Huntsman wants to reboot the American economy by eliminating every last tax loophole, lowering the corporate tax rate and switching from six income tax brackets to three.

GOP Economy: Ron Paul's economic plan

Nov 28, 2011
Ron Paul was among the handful of politicians in 2006-2007 who warned of an impending financial meltdown. And he has been a consistent critic of the prevailing financial order.

GOP Economy: Newt Gingrich's economic plan

Nov 28, 2011
he former House speaker’s pro-business “Jobs and Prosperity Plan” aims to trigger growth by slashing taxes across the board – including eliminating the capital gains tax and reducing corporate income tax to 12.5 percent from its current marginal rate of 35 percent.

GOP Economy: Herman Cain's economic plan

Nov 28, 2011
Cain’s “9-9-9” plan for a radical overhaul of the nation’s tax system has turned him into one of the most popular candidates in the Republican field.

Mid-day Extra: Are presidential debates free advertising?

Nov 23, 2011
This year has had an unusual number of Republican presidential debates on television. Does this help candidates without much money hold on longer than they should?

For public good, not for profit.

CBS News doesn’t quite have the hang of this “on line” thing

Nov 14, 2011
CBS News hosted the latest Republican presidential candidate debate on Saturday, the 5 billionth of this election cycle, and it looks like they kind of blew it...

Political ad spending to be posted online?

Oct 27, 2011
The FCC is expected to vote today on a new rule requiring broadcasters to disclose political advertising spending online. The information has long...

Animated Short: The Amazing Health Care Arms Race

Sep 13, 2011
At the crossroads of our national debate about jobs and our national debate about health care debt... Is the (fictional) city of Hobbs. Its ...