Could California’s cap-and-trade system control other pollution, too?

Apr 20, 2017
Even as the White House rolls back national climate change programs, California is moving forward on a cap-and-trade system to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Yet the Golden State still has some of the highest air pollution in the nation from other pollutants its industrial plants spew. A new bill would use California’s cap-and-trade rules to […]

Executive order will discount the cost of carbon pollution

Mar 28, 2017
The White House says it will try to roll back a host of climate initiatives from the Obama administration. These are rules that apply to power plants and coal mines, for instance. But also look out for a sweeping attempt to undercut the government’s way of measuring climate pollution. Right now, federal agencies have to […]

U.S. seeks to boost its production of seafood

Nov 25, 2016
Americans import about 90 percent of the seafood consumed in the U.S., and about half comes from fish farms or aquaculture. The Obama Administration wants to decrease our reliance on imported seafood with efforts to allow fish farming in some federal waters — which begin 3 miles off states’ shorelines. Farmed fish create pollution with […]
A hamachi sashimi dish.  
Brian Ach/Getty Images for New York Magazine

A lifetime later, a smog attack's full cost is seen

Jul 8, 2016
The London smog of 1952 killed thousands but gave many more lifelong health problems.
Heavy smog in Piccadilly Circus, London, 6th December 1952.

Central Press/Hulton Archive/Getty Images

Life and death inside a Chinese 'cancer village'

May 19, 2016
Villagers in central China blame a chemical factory for a high incidence of cancer.
Liuchong villager Zhang Runxiang, with her mother in 2013, died two days after this picture was taken. Villagers say their water has been poisoned by a chemical company.
Rob Schmitz/Marketplace

NYC lets go of free bags ... reluctantly

May 9, 2016
The city council passed a 5-cent fee on disposable plastic and paper.
Paper and plastic bags will cost 5 cents each in New York City beginning in October.
Spencer Platt/Getty Images

China's new weapon against water pollution: its people

May 2, 2016
China's government has asked citizens to help clean up the country's waterways.
The Xiaolong River in a southern suburb of Beijing is filled with trash. Citizens throughout China are being asked to report such rivers to the authorities in a new government campaign aimed at cleaning up its polluted waterways.
Rob Schmitz/Marketplace

For public good, not for profit.

Worldwide art glass suppliers suspend certain colors

Mar 30, 2016
Companies stopped making some colors after environmental tests found heavy metals.
Bullseye Glass is known for products that fuse together reliably, and for its rainbow of colors.  But now, fewer colors are available.
April Baer

Can you grow the economy without adding pollution?

Mar 18, 2016
There's evidence that "decoupling" may be starting.
The Carbon II coal-fired power plant in Nava, Coahuila, Mexico, where coal from a new mine in Eagle Pass, Texas will be burned. 
Ingrid Lobet

Inside a huge air pollution scrubbing unit

Feb 11, 2016
The Homer City Generating Station burns 16,000 tons of coal per day
The Homer City Generating Station in Indiana County, Pennsylvania is installing pollution controls designed to reduce dangerous emissions of sulfur dioxide and mercury by more than 90 percent.
Reid Frazier