"How We Survive": Kai Ryssdal visits the frontlines where national security meets climate change. Listen Now

The history of coal as a brand

Jan 20, 2014
Coal may be synonymous with pollution but as coal historian Barbara Freese found, that wasn’t always the case.

EPA rules on coal plants' emissions will require new technology

Sep 20, 2013
The Environmental Protection Agency's is issuing new limits on emissions by coal-burning plants that new plants will need advanced carbon-capture technology to comply.

Crowdsourced 'Danger Maps' reveal contamination in China

Aug 20, 2013
With the financial help of Internet company Alibaba, Liu Chunlei has been crowdsourcing so-called 'Danger Maps' to make pollution information publicly available.

Coal pollution cuts life expectancy in China

Jul 9, 2013
China's government policy to promote coal use may have cut life expectancy for millions of people by more than five years on average.

Will adding subway lines save Beijing from traffic and smog?

May 22, 2013
Beijing has announced it will add 50 miles of subway track by the end of next year, making the city's subway system bigger than New York's. But will the new additions alleviate the city's notorious traffic and pollution?

China's toxic harvest: A "cancer village" rises in protest

Apr 17, 2013
Farmers in Liuchong village in the Central Chinese province of Hubei are standing up to a local phosphate mining operation and fertilizer factory they blame for polluting the village's water and air, killing their crops and livestock, and leading to a sharp increase in cancer rates in the region.

Could EPA sulfur cuts affect gas prices?

Mar 29, 2013
The Environmental Protection Agency is expected to propose a new rule today that will require refiners to cut the amount of sulfur in gasoline by two thirds.

For public good, not for profit.

China's city dwellers struggle to cope with air pollution

Jan 30, 2013
China now burns nearly as much coal as the rest of the world combined. That's one reason for the recent severe smog outbreaks that have many Chinese residents complaining about air pollution.

Beijing's bad air quality has an economic impact

Jan 14, 2013
Air pollution in Beijing over the weekend was 40 times worse than limits set by the World Health Organization and it has economic implications for China

Court shoots down EPA rule on pollution

Aug 22, 2012
Power plants and air regulators are working through the implications of a new court ruling this morning. The decision shot down an air pollution rule from the Environmental Protection Agency. Now regulators have to go back to the drawing board.