Running an online business ... when the power goes out

Feb 18, 2021
Jess Evans, who runs an Austin trivia company, is "so cold and so worried about the business." A strong internet connection is her priority.
A polar vortex storm has brought historic cold weather and power outages to Texas. Above, a State Highway 195 sign in Killeen.
Joe Raedle/Getty Images

"We could see our breath indoors": How some Texans are coping

Feb 16, 2021
The power's been on and off for almost two days for millions in the Lone Star State.
Texans are navigating loss of Wi-Fi, freezing homes and bursting pipes in the wake of the winter storm. Above, a couple walks through a snow-covered park in Houston.
Mark Felix/AFP via Getty Images

Massive power shut-off would cost businesses in California

Oct 8, 2019
As the risk of wildfire and natural disasters increase with climate change, power disruptions could become more common.
Towers carrying electrical lines in south San Francisco.
Justin Sullivan/Getty Images