Are Americans overworked?

Jul 27, 2012
Europeans get a minimum of three weeks of paid vacation, but many Americans get none. While Americans may work more, it doesn't necessarily mean they're being more productive.

What is hard work?

Jul 27, 2012
Hard work is what made the United States, but there's now concern Americans aren't working hard enough.

How the wait window is hurting productivity

Mar 1, 2012
Waiting around for something to get delivered during a four-hour window can be a frustrating experience -- and it's hurting worker productivity. Some businesses are trying to cut the window by two hours.

Worker productivity up again

Feb 2, 2012
Productivity is up amongst American workers, but how much longer can we expect to squeeze blood from that stone?

The average work week may not be so average

Jan 6, 2012
The government today is revealing how many hours people work on average each week. People say they're working harder, but productivity has a breaking point.