"How We Survive": Kai Ryssdal visits the frontlines where national security meets climate change. Listen Now

New Year's hangover edition: This week's Silicon Tally

Jan 3, 2014
32,256 LED lights, 4.6 million phone numbers and $6.99 ... know what those numbers mean? Must be another Silicon Tally!

Christmas recap edition: This week's Silicon Tally

Dec 27, 2013
60 million coins, 300 hours and $3.58. Know what those numbers mean? Must be another Silicon Tally!

Now with 50 percent less Bitcoin: This week's Silicon Tally

Dec 20, 2013
$9600, 1 billion and 80 percent. What do these numbers mean? Take the quiz and find out!

Quiz: How does the U.S. stack up to other countries in competitiveness?

Aug 14, 2013
In which category does the U.S. rank first in the Global Competitiveness Report?

Globalist Quiz: Poverty in America versus the rest of the world

Jan 31, 2013
With nearly 50 million Americans living beneath the poverty line, we put poverty into perspective with today's quiz.

Globalist Quiz: The high price of natural disasters

Jan 29, 2013
Three months after 'Superstorm' Sandy ripped through the Northeast, the Senate has approved $50 billion in emergency relief. The high cost of natural disasters is the subject of today's quiz.

The record of peace in the European Union

Dec 11, 2012
The European Union, and the euro -- for all its faults -- has been credited with keeping the continent relatively peaceful of late. And European peace is the subject of our quiz this morning.

For public good, not for profit.

QUIZ: What do you know about poverty in America?

Oct 29, 2012
We ran the numbers on poverty in the U.S. -- from the number of Americans on food stamps to the unemployment rate for African-Americans. Take our 10-question quiz to see how much you know.

Which troubled eurozone nation are you?

Dec 15, 2011
What do you do when faced with a debt crisis? Get thrifty or look the other way? Take our quiz to find out which eurozone nation best matches your personality.
Answer 10 multiple choice questions and you'll be matched with the eurozone nation that your personality identifies with most. Take the quiz at Facebook.com/APMMarketplace.

QUIZ: Do you have what it takes to work in a call center?

Aug 4, 2011
Ever wondered the best time to call customer service so you don't have to wait on hold so long? While reporting on a story for Marketplace, I pu...