Crypto has the attention of the president. What now?

Mar 10, 2022
Biden's executive order calls for first-of-its-kind regulation of cryptocurrency.
The president's executive order on cryptocurrency calls for the U.S. to become a leader in its understanding and use.
Eoneren / Getty Images

How might delivery apps evolve in a new regulatory climate?

Sep 24, 2021
The apps could start passing more costs to consumers or bypass traditional restaurants, to make thin margins in the delivery business work.

The dates on food labels may not mean what you think they mean

Aug 11, 2021
Vox writer Alissa Wilkinson explains the history behind food label dates, and how the "expiration date" concept is a costly misunderstanding.
A produce worker stocks shelves at a supermarket in Washington, D.C.
Andrew Caballero-Reynolds/AFP via Getty Images

What is market distortion?

Nov 10, 2020
European Union regulators have accused Amazon of violating antitrust regulations and distorting the market.
Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos testifies via video conference during a House hearing about online platforms and market power on Capitol Hill. Amazon is now under fire by the EU for allegedly distorting competition.
Graeme Jennings/Getty Images

London’s street performers face a crackdown

Nov 9, 2020
A local authority is proposing to curb street entertainment in the British capital. Performers say a vital visitor attraction — and historic part of London's culture — could be destroyed.
Folk singer David Fisher.
(Courtesy of Fisher)

Change in the White House means changing plans for some businesses

Nov 9, 2020
Companies large and small are getting ready for changes in trade, taxes and health care policy.
Joe Biden and Kamala Harris appear in Delaware during their successful campaign. The White House is expected to send Congress a massive relief package in the coming days.
Drew Angerer/Getty Images

For public good, not for profit.

How lobbying and regulation can worsen inequality, according to one political science professor

Steven Teles wants to arm legislators with more research staff so they can push back when lobbyists fight institutional change.
Mandel Ngan/AFP via Getty Images

Senate passes bill that could ban some Chinese companies from U.S. stock exchanges

The bill is intended to compel all foreign companies to allow U.S. regulators access to their accounting.
Brendan Smialowski/AFP via Getty Images

Market concentration and low competition has become the new normal in America

Dec 17, 2019
NYU finance professor Thomas Philippon argues that U.S. markets are no longer as free and competitive as they were a few decades ago.
Dan Kitwood/Getty Images