Is everyone back at the office? It depends on where you live.

Aug 18, 2022
Office occupancy remains low in cities like New York and San Francisco, while places like Columbus, Ohio, are nearly back to pre-pandemic levels.
Office occupancy rates remain low in major urban areas like New York City. Above, a person eats lunch on the terrace of a Manhattan office building.
Angela Weiss/AFP via Getty Images

How remote work is affecting a small business in a Seattle office district

Jul 22, 2022
The rise of work from home means that far fewer people are coming into Velouria, a boutique Cat Wilcox co-owns.
There's much less activity in the area around Cat Wilcox's shop, Velouria. Consequently, in-person shopping is down.
John Moore/Getty Images

Work at the office, work from home or both? Companies are still deciding what's best.

Jun 24, 2022
The purpose of the workplace is changing for businesses that let employees work both remotely and in the office.
Businesses are still trying to find a balance between employees working both remotely and in the office.
Petras Malukas/AFP via Getty Images

Remote work is driving up housing costs

May 31, 2022
Extra space is at a premium for those who want to Zoom in peace.
Zillow predicts home prices will continue rising through 2023.
Justin Sullivan/Getty Images

Move to "right-sizing" changes commercial real estate landscape in San Francisco

Mar 2, 2022
The hybrid office could reshape the city's economy.
San Francisco's downtown is grappling with a shift from catering to its 9-to-5 crowd, a substantial part of which will be permanently hybrid.
DianeBentleyRaymond/Getty Images

Location-based pay is being challenged by growth of remote work

Jan 25, 2022
After nearly two years, remote work and flexibility have become the baseline for many workers in a tight labor market.
Employers may have to reconsider cutting location-based pay at a time when competition for labor is tight.
Sean Gallup/Getty Images

Two years into the pandemic, what is work?

Jan 5, 2022
An industry has popped up to manage the back-and-forth of remote, hybrid or in-person work, including software to help companies adjust to less office space.
Empty chairs sit near a closed office building in Arlington, Virginia. Many employers are eyeing downsizing as an option to offload unneeded real estate as employees work remotely.
Andrew Caballero-Reynolds/AFP via Getty Images

For public good, not for profit.

Some big Wall Street banks reverse their back-to-office plans — again

Jan 3, 2022
They've been among the most aggressive employers when it comes to bringing workers back into face-to-face contact.
Despite investment banking companies' preference for in-person work, omicron has complicated the return-to-office plans of JPMorgan, Citigroup and Goldman Sachs.
Johannes Aisele/AFP via Getty Images

The return-to-office industry is booming

Dec 22, 2021
A flood of return-to-office consultants are rushing to fill the void of expertise created by pandemic uncertainty.
Companies are spending millions for advice on bringing employees back to offices says Matthew Boyle, a senior reporter for Bloomberg.
Ina Fassenbender/AFP via Getty Images

Sweatpants have gone professional, and there's no going back

Dec 20, 2021
The comfy remote uniforms are emblematic of the blurring between home and work.
In his experiments, social psychologist Adam Galinsky found that while “traditional work clothing” made some remote workers feel more powerful, “home clothing” made them feel authentic and more engaged in their work.
FreshSplash via Getty Images