From restaurant to office work –– one server's change of direction

May 28, 2021
We hear from Maria Barillas about how the pandemic drove her to start a new job.
Sebastien Salom-Gomis/Getty Images

Income influenced where Americans moved in 2020

May 11, 2021
Many relocated from larger cities to smaller ones with lower costs of living and less stringent COVID-19 regulations.
For high earners who are able to work remotely, the desire for a different lifestyle may prompt a relocation.
Jovan Geber via Getty Images

Executives, workers see future of remote work differently

May 10, 2021
Executives and workers prefer a mix of remote and in-person work, but PwC surveys find leaders favor more frequent office time.
Company leaders could end up doing more damage to their cultures by imposing a back-to-work plan without listening to employee concerns, says Harvard Business School professor Tsedal Neeley.
nito100 via Getty Images

Companies moving to hybrid workplaces will face new challenges

Apr 15, 2021
Big companies like Ford, Target and Microsoft plan to have some workers on-site, some remote. Those on-site may gain advantage, experts say.
Big companies moving toward a hybrid workplace model, like Microsoft, should ensure  that their in-person and off-site employees are treated equitably.
Jeenah Moon/Getty Images

Can company culture survive Zoom?

Apr 14, 2021
"Culture doesn't come for free," one professor told us. "You have to keep feeding it."
Hand in Hand Soap's financial controller Arnie Cohen and his green-winged macaw Zoey make an appearance during a recent meeting.
Courtesy Hand in Hand Soap

California "Zoom town" grapples with influx of remote workers

Apr 13, 2021
Truckee's newcomers boost the local economy, but long-term residents see rising prices and a culture clash.
A street in Truckee, California. Since the pandemic hit, the mountain town has become a destination for remote workers, who've brought higher prices and increased congestion.
Matt Levin/Marketplace

Work from home exacerbates harassment against some tech workers, survey finds

Apr 1, 2021
Women, people of color, transgender and nonbinary workers are more likely to report they've been harassed during the pandemic.
More than a third of workers surveyed by Project Include didn't expect their employer to address the harassment fairly.
Bryan R. Smith/AFP via Getty Images

For public good, not for profit.

How workers who started jobs remotely are adapting a year on

Mar 29, 2021
Many have never seen their company's office or met their co-workers in person.
“We found that games and wordplay were a great way of supporting that sense of people reaching through the screen," said Jessica Shaw, founder of PACT Creative Training.
SDI Productions via Getty Images

Hawaii group lures remote workers amid pandemic downturn

Mar 22, 2021
Workers freed of geographic constraints may want to relocate, and Hawaii wants to capitalize on their mobility and skills.
Hawaii's tourism industry has been ravaged by the pandemic, but the crisis may end up bringing workers from a wide range of industries into the state.
Mike Ehrmann/Getty Images

How do interns learn about the workplace when there is none?

Mar 11, 2021
The programs are less about casual networking and observation in a remote world. Remote internships need more direction, one expert says.
"There's no observation, really, there's no serendipitous contact," in remote internships, says Marianna Savoca of Stony Brook University.
Christophe Archambault/AFP via Getty Images