California blackouts trigger debate about electric grid resilience

Aug 28, 2020
A heat wave and record levels of electricity demand are straining infrastructure.
Investments in grids were already falling, and COVID-19 has slowed down upgrades even further.
Brent Stirton/Getty Images

The U.S. consumed more renewable energy than coal in 2019

May 29, 2020
It's the first time that's happened since 1885.
Gabriel Bouys/AFP via Getty Images

Moving away from carbon, with help from Canada

Mar 3, 2020
Wind and solar resources in New England and New York fluctuate. One way to manage this uncertainty is trading with Quebec.
Several states in the northeast of America have committed to decarbonizing their electricity grids in the next 20 to 30 years.
Jeff Swensen/Getty Images

Nation's first mega-offshore wind project stalled for additional study

Sep 13, 2019
A federal delay in the nation's first large-scale offshore wind farm has analysts wondering if this could stall overall momentum for offshore wind power in the country.
A rendering of offshore wind turbines.
Courtesy of U.S. Bureau of Ocean Energy Management

Offshore wind energy sparks debate on Long Island

May 30, 2019
A variety of stakeholders have a variety of opinions on the development of the 15-turbine windfarm.
Montauk fisherman Al Schaffer on his lobster boat.
Ashley Milne-Tyte

Pennsylvania weighs nuclear subsidies after Three Mile Island

May 20, 2019
The nuclear power plant will be "retired" at the end of September, but the state wants to support the four remaining plants.
Steam rises out of the nuclear plant on Three Mile Island  in Middletown, Pennsylvania on March 26, 2019.

Federal loan guarantees boost nuclear energy projects

Mar 27, 2019
The Vogtle project is three years overdue and vastly over budget.
Aerial view of the Alvin W. Vogtle Electric Generating Plant.
Charles C Watson Jr./Wikimedia

For public good, not for profit.

Norway sees a future in giant subterranean data centers

Mar 27, 2019
The arctic nation wants to become a global capital of hard drives and servers.
Katie Prescott and Sarah Treanor at the Lefdal mine data center in Norway.
Katie Prescott

Solar energy heats up despite tariffs

Mar 14, 2019
In 2018, the Trump administration imposed tariffs of 30 percent on imported solar panels and set quotas to limit solar imports. This caused a slump in the solar energy industry. But two new reports show that last year wasn’t as bad as the industry feared, and predicts a boom in new solar installations this year. […]
A solar farm under construction in Punta Gorda, Florida, on April 22, 2016.

Costs are falling for renewable energy stored in batteries

Jan 29, 2019
Battery storage is getting to houses through electrical lines, maybe even yours.
"We're talking about about 80-85 percent cost reduction over the past decade for battery storage [of renewable energy]," said Ravi Manghani, director of energy storage at energy consulting firm Wood Mackenzie.
Andreas Rentz/Getty Images