Portfolios gone wild

Nov 19, 2010
Question: My husband and I have had jobs in the non-profit and for-profit sectors over our careers (we're both in our early 40s) and we are now...

Starting to save for retirement

Oct 26, 2010
Question: I listen to your show on WVXU at 11 on Saturday, but am always driving during that half hour....

Consolidating retirement accounts

Oct 25, 2010
Question: I have been investing for retirement for 25 years and, through many changes, employers and alternative options, I now have a highly...

Tax exempts for savings

Oct 8, 2010
Question: I'm 58 and hope to partially retire in about 3 years and work part time as an ICU physician until I'm 66 at which time I'll draw a...

Avoid company 401(k) choices?

Sep 13, 2010
Question: I want to start putting money into a Roth 401k but do not want to invest in mutual funds which is all my company plan provides. What are...

How much into 401(k)

Sep 8, 2010
Question: So, I'm 20 and just got my first grown-up job as an administrative assistant and designer. I'm being offered a 401K, and after I...

Getting started on saving for retirement

Sep 1, 2010
Question: I have two questions; the past 3 1/2 years I've had some bad luck a death in the family, family illness, and a divorce. Thinking about...

For public good, not for profit.

Help with parents retirement

Aug 30, 2010
Question: I have a question about retirement - not for me, but for my parents. My dad has been incredibly generous with his money to each of us...

How much can you save for retirement without investing in stocks?

Aug 27, 2010
What would happen if you didn't put any of your retirement investment money in stocks, and instead stuck with more conservative investments? How...

Retirement savings

Aug 23, 2010
Question: I found in my "hard copy" documents file a 20-year-old statement from TIAA-CREF, haven't seen it before or probably didn't pay attention...