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Is time still on your side?

Jan 25, 2008
If you're retiring soon, it seems like the timing couldn't be any worse. What's the best way to manage your portfolio when "the long haul" isn't an option? Bob Moon takes a closer look.

U.S. baby boomlet an economic boon

Jan 18, 2008
A surprise boost in the nation's fertility rate means more workers to replace an aging workforce, plus more taxes to keep Social Security afloat a little longer. Nancy Marshall Genzer reports.

Retiring in Europe

Jan 7, 2008
Question: My wife and I are 60 and plan to retire at 62. My question is this: We're considering selling our home upon retirement and basically...

New rules proposed for 401(k)s

Dec 13, 2007
About 50 million of us contribute to 401(k)s. But returns can vary widely, in part because of the fees we pay to plan administrators. Today the Labor Department proposed some new rules. Jeremy Hobson reports.

Seniors becoming old hands at Wii

Dec 11, 2007
Still looking for a Nintendo Wii game console? Good luck. Because you just might have to fight your grandmother to get one. Jennifer Collins reports.

Higher taxes won't save Social Security

Nov 2, 2007
Democratic presidential candidates are calling for a tax increase to fund Social Security for retiring baby-boomers. But commentator Glenn Hubbard argues that proposal doesn't get to the heart of the problem.

Marketplace Money Mailbag

Oct 19, 2007
Chris Farrell answers listener questions about advising a son on his mother's finances, investing in frontier markets, and what to do with a 401k after you've left a company.

For public good, not for profit.

Will Social Security explode?

Oct 18, 2007
The first of 76 million baby boomers filed for Social Security this week. But economics correspondent Chris Farrell says there's no need to worry about a system overload. He talks to Scott Jagow.

No money for us, no money for you

Oct 16, 2007
Public pension fund CalPERS is considering a plan to pay fund managers only if they perform well. If they don't beat certain benchmarks, they'll make nothing. Jeff Tyler reports.

Educating Rico: The Roth IRA

Oct 13, 2007
Reporter Rico Gagliano takes on something that's supposed to be pretty basic but finds that sometimes things aren't as easy as they seem -- like, cooking rice.