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Care at home

Oct 20, 2006
Seniors face rising health care costs, but there's no place like home for lower medical bills. Helen Palmer reports.

Bugs for retirement

Sep 29, 2006
There are plenty of ways to save for retirement. Pick an index fund. Or use a Roth. But what about a safety net of classic VW Bugs? Tom Kramer has the story.

Jobs for seniors

Sep 15, 2006
Older Americans want to work. So Tim Driver set up a site to match employers with eager seniors. Goodbye retirement. Hello, timesheet.

Protecting your investments

Sep 15, 2006
The sky isn't falling, but certain segments of the economy might make Chicken Little head for cover. How can you protect your portfolio from a softening housing market and fluctuating oil prices? Kai talks with Jane Kim of the Wall Street Journal.

401K questions

Sep 8, 2006
The new pension bill gives employers the power to automatically enroll workers in 401(k) plans. That means employees need to be more pro-active. Ross Levin is the President of Accredited Investors, Inc. He provides a checklist of what you need to know.

Money Matters: International retirement

Sep 1, 2006
Retirees have spoken, and they're moving overseas to spend their golden years. If you decide to take your retirement abroad, how much should you save? And where should you look? Tess talks with Brent Kessel of Kubera Portfolios.

Long-term care insurance

Sep 1, 2006
Seniors are living longer and the cost of elder care is rising. There are long-term care policies that lower the costs of nursing homes and assisted living centers. But are they worth the price? Nancy Farghalli reports.

For public good, not for profit.

Straight Story: Retirement net

Jun 16, 2006
It's time once again for economics editor Chris Farrell to help you sort out what's smart, what's stupid and what's the Straight Story. This week, report after report points to gloomy financial prospects for retirees. But Chris sees blue skies, for those willing to work a bit longer.

The mandatory 401K

May 26, 2006
Coming soon to your benefit package, an automatic enrollment in a worker retirement account. John Dimsdale reports.

We Talked to Chuck...

Mar 17, 2006
Marketplace's Kai Ryssdal talks with Charles Schwab about his start in the brokerage industry, how the business has changed, and teaching kids the basics of investing.