TPP galvanizes voters, divides both parties

Jul 28, 2016
How did a complicated, arcane international trade deal become a defining issue in the 2016 election?
elegates hold up signs that read 'Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP)' and 'Love trumps hate' during the opening of the first day of the Democratic National Convention at the Wells Fargo Center, July 25, 2016 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
Win McNamee/Getty Images

Conventions are go-time for lobbyists and advocates

Jul 28, 2016
With so many influencers in one spot, they're a great way to spread your message
A general view of the DNC 2016.
Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images

Weekly Wrap: What is Donald Trump's economic vision?

Jul 22, 2016
Nela Richardson and David Gura join Kai for this edition of the Weekly Wrap.
Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump delivers a speech during the evening session on the fourth day of the Republican National Convention.
John Moore/Getty Images

The billion-dollar RNC question: What is Peter Thiel doing there?

Jul 21, 2016
Peter Thiel is an odd pairing with Donald Trump — but maybe less odd than it seems.
Peter Thiel participates in a panel discussion at the New York Times 2015 DealBook Conference.
Neilson Barnard/Getty Images for New York Times

The top Google Trends question about the RNC is 'What is the RNC?'

Jul 18, 2016
It happened with Brexit, now it's happening here.
Delegates on the floor listen during the first day of the Republican National Convention.
Alex Wong/Getty Images

The price tag for being an RNC delegate

Aug 24, 2012
Republicans all over the country are starting to pack for Tampa, Fla., where the Republican Convention will be. One delegate breaks down the costs of participating in democracy.

For public good, not for profit.