Russia sells stake in maker of AK-47 rifle

Sep 24, 2013
The Kremlin is set to privatize a stake in one of its most well-known brands.

Why Russia is so loyal to Syria

Sep 11, 2013
Military ties are one big reason why Russia remains steadfast in its loyalty to Syria.

U.S. trade feels little love from Russia

Aug 7, 2013
President Barack Obama canceled his Moscow summit with Russian President Vladimir Putin.

Why gay activists shouldn't be boycotting Stolichnaya Russian vodka

Aug 1, 2013
Latvians are saying not to boycott Stolichnaya Vodka over Russian gay rights abuses...because Stolichnaya is actually made in their country.

Russia to build first floating nuclear power plant

Jul 15, 2013
Putting nuclear reactors on a big boat may sound scary, but it's already pretty common.

Russia speaks out against Cyprus bailout

Mar 25, 2013
Eurozone finance ministers reached a last minute deal to grant Cyprus a $13 billion bailout early this morning. Those with large deposits in Cypriot banks could be hit will a tax of 30 percent in order to help fund the bailout.

For public good, not for profit.

As Russia tries dead man, cover-up alleged

Mar 21, 2013
Russian legal specialist Sergei Magnitsky is due to be tried tomorrow for tax offenses, even though he died in prison more than 3 years ago. Critics of Russian business practices say he was killed to cover up corruption by officials.

In Cyprus bailout, what's Russia got to do with it?

Mar 15, 2013
European finance ministers are meeting in Brussels today, and at the top of their agenda is Cyprus. The small Mediterranean island nation, which has 850,000 people, is in desperate need of a bailout.

Global Corruption Quiz: Which countries are best and worst?

Feb 25, 2013
When it comes to public sector corruption, which of the BRIC countries -- Brazil, Russia, India, and China -- ranks the best and the worst?