Russian rock band Pussy Riot sentenced to prison

Aug 17, 2012
The band's official crime is "hooliganism by religious hatred." But to many inside and outside Russia, the case has come to represent considerably more than that.

Russia likely to continue supplying arms to Syria

Jul 17, 2012
The U.S. has been pressing Russia to stop sending arms to Syria for much of the 16-month conflict between the government and opposition forces. Russia has said it will not make any new deals with Syria, but it looks like arms will continue to flow.

Russian rocket carries U.S. astronaut for pay

Jul 16, 2012
Yesterday the Russian Soyuz spacecraft launched and is now on its way to the International Space Station. Since retiring their own shuttle program, NASA has been paying Russia millions of dollars to get astronauts into space.

Russia could pass controversial Internet bill

Jul 11, 2012
If you load the Russian version of Wikipedia today, you'll find a big pink bar across the top. And the site shut itself down completely yesterday to protest an Internet bill that looks likely to pass the Russian parliament. Human rights groups are also up in arms.

Russian lecturer forces students to take 23-hour exam

Jul 5, 2012
And you thought the SATs were exhausting.

Russian ship with helicopters for Syria turns around

Jun 20, 2012
The U.S. and Europe are focused on diplomacy and sanctions to stem violence in Syria -- and perhaps force the current regime from power. One problem is Russia's alleged supply of arms to the government there. But Western diplomats have discovered a vulnerability: every weapons-carrying ship has to carry insurance.

For public good, not for profit.

Russian conference is big business showcase

Jun 20, 2012
On the eve of the annual St. Petersburg International Economic Forum, some small businesses complain that they feel left out in the cold.

Putin visits China to discuss partnership

Jun 5, 2012
Russia's President Putin is in China today to meet with Chinese President Hu Jintao about oil, natural gas, and a potential economic investment partnership.

What's next for Russia's aviation industry after plane crash?

May 10, 2012
One of Russia's passenger planes crashed into a volcano in Indonesia. Reporter Peter van Dyk discusses the implications of the crash.