China invites US to hold hands, sing kumabaya

Jun 22, 2011
Chinese vice minister Cui Tiankai told reporters yesterday that China has no beef with the U.S. and that "'the international community ought to...

Financial flight in Russia fueled by election fears

Jun 21, 2011
Nine months before Russia's presidential election, much of Russia's investor capital is flowing out of the country because of investor uncertainty and anxiety.

Annual economic gathering kicks off in Russia

Jun 16, 2011
Business and political leaders from across the world gather today in St. Petersburg, Russia, to attend the city's big annual economic forum.

Russia works to strike gas deal with China

Jun 16, 2011
This week, Russia is hosting the annual St. Petersburg International Economic Forum. China's President Hu Jintao is attending this year's forum in hopes of announcing a new gas deal between China and Russia.

Putin pledges $52 bil. to boost births

Apr 21, 2011
The Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin has promised to increase Russia's flagging birthrate by 30 percent, as Peter Van Dyk explains.

For public good, not for profit.

Court ruling freezes a major BP oil deal

Mar 25, 2011
BP can't proceed towards a planned partnership with the Russian oil firm Rosneft. The Russian deal was supposed to be a way forward fr the company, following the Gulf of Mexico spill.

Russia looks to beef up its cattle industry

Mar 25, 2011
Russians eat less than half as much beef as Americans. But a Montana rancher is trying to rope in more business by setting up shop in Russia.

The Addiction Economy: Russia's illnesses come with high costs

Mar 16, 2011
Russia's low birth rate and high death rate may have huge consequences for its economic prospects. So the government is taking action.