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Europe, moving away from Russian natural gas, looks to the U.S.

Mar 30, 2022
Europe was already grappling with an energy crisis. The war has made that crisis worse.
Above, a compressor station for a natural gas pipeline in Germany. Prior to the war in Ukraine, Russian natural gas made up 55% of Germany’s imports. That’s down to 40% so far this year.
Sean Gallup/Getty Images

For Russians, McDonald's was once a symbol of modernity. Its closing feels like a step backward.

Mar 23, 2022
When the golden arches opened, Russians marveled at how it differed from local restaurants: friendly service and plastic packaging.
When McDonald's opened in Moscow in 1990, Russians looked at it as "a window to a different world," says Konstantin Sonin, a University of Chicago professor who grew up in Russia. Above, the Pushkin Square restaurant.
AFP via Getty Images

White House warns companies of growing cyberattack risk

Mar 22, 2022
While big energy and financial firms are better defended than they used to be, other critical industries are still vulnerable.
President Joe Biden warned companies against potential Russian cyberattacks this week. Experts say the U.S. is unprepared for such cybersecurity threats.
Nicholas Kamm/AFP via Getty Images

If China aids Russia, what options would the U.S. have?

Mar 16, 2022
The U.S. could expand tariffs on Chinese goods — but that may raise prices for American consumers.
Russian President Vladimir Putin and Chinese President Xi Jinping met in Beijing on Feb. 4. U.S. National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan has promised consequences if China were to assist Russia in its war against Ukraine.
Alexei Druzhinin/Sputnik/AFP via Getty Images

What would happen if Russia defaults on its debt?

Mar 15, 2022
"The long-term implications are severe," one expert says, and can scare away foreign investors.
Russia's economic isolationism may largely insulate global markets should Russia default on its debts.
AFP via Getty Images

Russia threatened to shut off its gas taps to Europe. Can it do that?

Mar 15, 2022
If Russia stops sending natural gas to Europe, it'll have to send it somewhere else.
If Russia stops sending natural gas to Europe, it'll have to send it somewhere else.
Odd Andersen/AFP via Getty Images

Russia wakes up to big technological weaknesses

Mar 15, 2022
Russia's economy relies on imported tech, like aircraft parts and semiconductors. That leaves it vulnerable as sanctions multiply.
The Biden administration has big goals when it comes to implementing the CHIPS Act. But the plan isn't without its hurdles.
Josep Lago/AFP via Getty Images

For public good, not for profit.

Could U.K. fracking wean Europe off its addiction to Russian gas?

Mar 10, 2022
The government says it is mulling the possibility of lifting the fracking suspension to ease the energy crisis caused by the invasion of Ukraine.
The United Kingdom shut down fracking for safety and environmental reasons in 2019; the wells were due to be filled with concrete as early as next week. Above, a Cuadrilla fracking site in Preston, England.
Christopher Furlong/Getty Images

Who are the Russian oligarchs being sanctioned, and how did they get so rich?

Mar 10, 2022
Their fates and fortunes are tied closely to Vladimir Putin's.
After Vladimir Putin became president, he helped fund the wealth of Russian oligarchs with state money. In return, oligarchs provided him money and loyalty.
Mikhail Klimentyev/Sputnik/AFP via Getty Images

Among the aid Ukrainian refugees can expect: cold, hard cash

Mar 10, 2022
Red Cross founder Clara Barton gave cash to war refugees in the 1870s. Now, aid organizations say it empowers refugees more than in-kind aid.
Residents of Kharkiv, Ukraine, take shelter in a metro station. As aid pours in, many experts believe money would provide the greatest benefit to victims of the war.
Emre Caylak/AFP Getty Images