Oil prices rise on Mideast risk assessment

Sep 16, 2019
The 14% spike, following a weekend attack on a key Saudi oil production facility, reflects what traders consider a "Gulf premium" based on new oil supply risks.
Smoke billows from an Aramco oil facility in Abqaiq in Saudi Arabia's eastern province on Sept. 14 after drone attacks sparked two fires.
AFP/Getty Images

Will oil price spike lead to higher prices at the pump?

Sep 16, 2019
A look at what a drone strike on oil reserves in Saudi Arabia could mean for consumers.
Justin Sullivan/Getty Images

Russia plays oil diplomacy card in Middle East

May 10, 2019
Russia has leveraged its oil and gas market power to enhance its influence in the Middle East, just as the U.S. is pulling back from the region.
Joe Klamar/AFP/Getty Images

Saudi oil company profits impress

Apr 1, 2019
What’s the most profitable company on earth? We’ll give you three guesses. Nope, not Apple. Google? Try again. Exxon Mobil – wrong. It’s the national oil company of Saudi Arabia. Known as Saudi Aramco, it’s the runaway leader, according to new numbers put out by the company. These number are the first since … well, […]

What does this week's OPEC summit have to do with Cinderella?

Dec 5, 2018
The real action at the oil meeting in Vienna might be in a stairwell.
OPEC+ member Russia produces over 10 million barrels of oil a day

OPEC set to meet with an eye on cutting oil production

Dec 5, 2018
OPEC oil producing countries are scheduled to meet in Vienna on Thursday to discuss possible production cuts as a way to boost prices. Oil prices have been sliding in recent months. At the recent G-20 meeting, Russian and Saudi Arabian leaders signaled a willingness to work toward cuts, but what might that mean? Click the […]

Will the Saudi-Russian oil alliance hold as production cuts are mulled?

Nov 12, 2018
The price of oil is at its lowest in almost a year. Now officials from Saudi Arabia are suggesting they might cut supply to arrest the falling price. President Donald Trump on Monday said he hopes Saudi Arabia and OPEC don’t do that. It’s all a bit of a test for Saudi Arabia and its […]
Russian President Vladimir Putin shakes hands with Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman during their meeting at the Kremlin in Moscow on June 14, 2018. 

For public good, not for profit.

Saudi hopes for foreign investment dim after Khashoggi death

Oct 22, 2018
Foreign investors had again begun to look to Riyadh.
Security members of the consulate wait in front of the gate door of the Saudi Arabian consulate on October 17, 2018 in Istanbul.
OZAN KOSE/AFP/Getty Images

Saudi hopes for foreign investment dim after Khashoggi death

Oct 22, 2018
Foreign investors had again begun to look to Riyadh.
Security members of the consulate wait in front of the gate door of the Saudi Arabian consulate on October 17, 2018 in Istanbul.
OZAN KOSE/AFP/Getty Images

How a writer's disappearance could damage economic relations between the U.S. and Saudi Arabia

Oct 15, 2018
The disappearance of a Saudi columnist for the Washington Post has erupted into a diplomatic dispute, and potentially an economic one. President Donald Trump said Saudi Arabia could face “severe punishment” if the government is shown to have been involved in Jamal Khashoggi’s disappearance. Sanctions could be one form of punishment, to which the Saudi […]
Jamal Khashoggi looks on during a press conference in the Bahraini capital Manama, on Dec.15, 2014.