Dwindling savings and changing consumer tastes have hit Target hard

May 22, 2024
Meanwhile, its competitors are doing pretty well, including Walmart, where groceries account for 60% of sales.
Most of that extra cushion in people’s savings accounts from the pandemic is now gone, says Columbia professor Brett House.
Joe Raedle/Getty Images

Americans have blown through excess pandemic savings. What does that mean for the economy?

May 8, 2024
We've spent the $2.1 trillion that two San Francisco Fed economists say we saved during the pandemic.
Boyloso/Getty Images

Americans are saving less. That might actually be a sign of economic strength.

Apr 26, 2024
If interest rates fall, expect savings rates to do the same.
A lot of people might still be holding on to some of the money they tucked away earlier in the pandemic, says Tim Quinlan, senior economist at Wells Fargo.
bymuratdeniz via Getty Images

All those pandemic savings? They might already be gone

Sep 28, 2023
People in the U.S. saved an estimated $2.1 trillion at one point in the pandemic. By some estimates, that money's pretty much gone.
Howard Huang/Getty Images

401(k) balances are rising, but most savers still won't have enough for retirement

Aug 18, 2023
The average 401(k) balance is a tenth of what a middle-class person would need to maintain their lifestyle, one expert says.
Marketplace's senior economics contributor details findings from a new report that ranks global retirement systems.
CatLane/Getty Images

Prices are still rising, and consumers seem tired

May 10, 2023
Prices rose 4.9% year over year in April and 0.4% during that month. Consumer fatigue is showing in higher credit card balances and lower savings.
Consumers are going to low-price stores more and buying less per visit. They're opting more frequently for generics over name brands, per Jefferies analyst Corey Tarlowe.
Justin Sullivan/Getty Images

Consumers spent more in January, but also saved more. What gives?

Feb 24, 2023
A boost in disposable income fueled spending and saving. Data signals a healthy outlook, but lower-income people are draining reserves.
ArLawKa AungTun/Getty Images

For public good, not for profit.

Making a major life change? These financial steps can help

Whether you've decided it's time to change jobs or you're dealing with an unforeseen circumstance.
Ridofranz via Getty Images

Extreme couponing is back. But it's on TikTok this time.

Feb 1, 2023
Clipping coupons may be largely digital now, but the deals are still out there. Kayla Burk is teaching a younger generation how to use them.
Kayla Burk, a full-time extreme couponer, makes TikTok explainer videos on how to get discounts.
Karen Bleier/AFP via Getty Images

Savings are up, spending is down. Are consumers better off or just nervous?

Jan 27, 2023
The savings rate went up half a percentage point in December, but it's still not back to pre-pandemic levels.
Wipada Wipawin/Getty Images