Scottish independence: the cost of uncertainty

Sep 17, 2014
Complicated calculations are in store if Scotland votes to separate from the UK.

Scotland's oil...or is it?

Sep 16, 2014
Scottish independence advocates are banking on the country's oil resources.

Scotland's currency dilemma

Sep 15, 2014
UK politicians say if Scotland becomes independent, it can no longer use the pound.

Thriving and surviving at the Fringe Festival

Sep 1, 2014
The world's biggest arts festival keeps getting bigger, but not everyone profits.

Scottish independence and the finance sector

Aug 22, 2014
Scotland is about a month away from a vote on whether it would like to be independent from the UK. What's the impact on business in the country?

Take down the Union Jack?

May 22, 2014
What could happen if Scotland separates from the UK?

Using apps to track cattle in Scotland

Feb 5, 2014
A look at the app designed by Scottish teenagers to help track cattle.

For public good, not for profit.

Take down the Union Jack? Scotland to vote on independence

Nov 26, 2013
Next year, Scottish voters will get to decide if they want to remain a part of the United Kingdom. What economic challenges would an independent Scotland face?

Campaign for Scotland's independence launches

May 25, 2012
Supporters of cutting Scotland loose from the rest of the United Kingdom kicked off their independence campaign today. A key part of the U.K.'s wealth is the oil under the North Sea, which would become Scottish territory.

Independence could lead to a wealthier Scotland

May 25, 2012
Scotland has been a part of the United Kingdom for the past 300 years, but many Scots think it's a bad deal. Scotland is home to most of the U.K.'s oil and gas production in the North Sea.