The SEC gives social media a thumbs up

Apr 3, 2013
In a move that could change the way companies communicate with their investors, the Securities and Exchange Commission has ruled that company executives can use sites like Twitter and Facebook to release market moving news.

Mary Jo White and the cost of recusal at the SEC

Mar 12, 2013
With the Senate Banking Committee taking up the Mary Jo White nomination to head the SEC, at issue are possible conflicts White might have as a former attorney who defended financial institutions and executives against government prosecution.

Obama taps former prosecutor as Wall Street cop

Jan 24, 2013
Mary Jo White battled mobsters and terrorists as U.S. Attorney. Now, she’ll face hedge fund titans and high-speed traders to revive the SEC.
Flanked by Director of the United States Consumer Financial Protection Bureau Richard Cordray (L) and former U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of New York Mary Jo White (R) , U.S. President Barack Obama makes a personnel announcement at the State Dining Room of the White House January 24, 2013 in Washington, DC. President Obama nominated Mary Jo White to become the new chairman of Securities and Exchange Commission. He also re-nominated Richard Cordray for the same position Cordray has been holding.
Alex Wong/Getty Images

Obama to nominate Mary Jo White as next SEC chair

Jan 24, 2013
The former U.S. Attorney brings her background in white collar law and mob prosecutions to the role of Wall Street's top cop.

Watchdog of Wall Street, SEC's Mary Schapiro, looks back

Dec 10, 2012
SEC chairman Mary Schapiro will officially step down from her post on Friday.

SEC charges big accounting firms over audits in China

Dec 4, 2012
SEC investigates potential accounting fraud against U.S. investors involving Chinese firms publicly traded in U.S.

SEC departure leaves a tougher reform path

Nov 27, 2012
Mary Schapiro’s departure from the Securities and Exchange Commission leaves the board politically split – with thorny market issues to resolve.

For public good, not for profit.

SEC: Watchdog or lapdog?

Nov 26, 2012
With Mary Schapiro stepping down as chairwoman, how effective is the SEC in policing securities markets?

Mary Schapiro: The woman who 'saved the SEC'

Nov 26, 2012
Mary Schapiro, chair of the Securities and Exchange Commission, announced that she will leave her position. Schapiro took her post at the SEC just after the financial crisis and is credited with helping to craft reforms to prevent future economic disasters.

Former SEC employment doesn't affect lawyers' work in private sector

Aug 6, 2012
A team of researchers has a new paper out today that looks at this effect on lawyers at the Securities and Exchange Commission.