Has the computer chip glut reached its peak?

Jul 7, 2023
The semiconductor industry is notoriously cyclical, but the need for chips that power artificial intelligence may be what kicks up demand this time around.
Samsung reported a huge decrease in quarterly profits this week.
UNG YEON-JE/AFP via Getty Images

Inside the push to limit China's access to advanced chip-making tech

What's motivating the multinational effort to restrict China from chip-making tools.
Chris Miller, a professor of history at Tufts University's Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy, says these controls are all about national security.
Justin Sullivan/Getty Images

The U.S. is trying to remake the chip supply chain, despite the glut

Jan 30, 2023
American policymakers are aiming to promote U.S. chip manufacturing while protecting national security, experts say.
A recent surplus of semiconductor chips has caused prices to tank.
Annabelle Chih/Getty Images

Automakers have a lot more chips now, but buyers may be in short supply

Jan 3, 2023
Dealers are figuring out how to balance the supply of vehicles with softer consumer demand.
Rising prices and interest rates have pushed buyers into the used vehicle market or out of the  automotive market entirely.
Mario Tama/Getty Images

Chip manufacturing jobs are coming. Are Americans ready for them?

Oct 27, 2022
Semiconductor production positions pay about $100,000 on average, and schools are rushing to offer training so people can qualify.
Mandel Ngan/AFP via Getty Images

Demand for electronics is falling. But some types of semiconductors are still in short supply.

Oct 7, 2022
Samsung and AMD say demand is weakening for high-end devices like laptops and smartphones. But vehicles still face semiconductor shortages.
While chips for computers are no longer in high demand, supplies are tight for lower-end chips that go into vehicles.
Francois Lo Presti/AFP via Getty Images

U.S. restricting high-end chips to China

Sep 2, 2022
The policy move increases tension over technology between the two counties.
This latest move by the U.S. appears to restrict the sales of advanced computer chips to all Chinese companies.
Nicolas Asfouri/AFP via Getty Images

For public good, not for profit.

What does it take for chip manufacturers to get a new plant up and running?

Aug 23, 2022
Semiconductor makers seek locations with plenty of space, water, electricity and workers. First, they need megabucks for construction.
An array of machines at a semiconductor plant in Germany. Now that the CHIPS Act has passed, chipmakers are looking to build more facilities in the U.S.
Jens Schlueter/AFP via Getty Images

Taiwan trade talks advance; U.S. will start official negotiations in the fall

Aug 22, 2022
An Indiana delegation is on the island seeking to expand academic and business ties, in particular bringing semiconductor production to the states.
The trade talks may encourage Taiwanese companies to build semiconductor factories in the United States.
STR/AFP via Getty Images

Taiwan has leverage in U.S.-China standoff: semiconductors

Aug 1, 2022
Decades of investment and training in tech have helped Taiwan build a so-called silicon shield.
TSMC produces more than 90% of the world’s advanced semiconductors.
Sam Yeh/AFP via Getty Images