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Mitigating the cost and frustration of sequester flight delays

Apr 25, 2013
How are airlines managing the flight delays related to sequester furloughs, and their impact on flyer morale and costs?

JFK air traffic controller on first furlough day: 'Frustrating'

Apr 24, 2013
Air traffic controllers from JFK to LAX have begun their furloughs, making for long and painful delays, especially flying into and out of the big East Coast airports around New York City.

Travelers may run into delays due to FAA furloughs

Apr 22, 2013
Some groups have filed suit to stop the furloughs of air traffic controllers. The FAA must cut hundreds of millions under federal budget sequestration.

Sequester could push some renters out of Section 8 housing

Apr 16, 2013
Sequestration has left housing authorities with a stark choice: Raise rents, or eliminate some Section 8 vouchers altogether.

Private sector job gains miss the mark

Apr 3, 2013
The payroll processing company ADP reported this morning that 158,000 private sector jobs were added last month, falling below analyst expectations.

Sequester hits government contractors unevenly

Apr 2, 2013
Some government contractors take cuts in stride, others struggle.

Wait, wasn't the sequester going to crater the economy?

Apr 1, 2013
One month to the day after the sequester supposedly kicked in, the housing market and stock market are driving an economic recovery.

For public good, not for profit.

Sequester may slow federal court proceedings

Mar 27, 2013
The public lawyers who defend the nation's poor in federal court worry sequester cuts could slow the wheels of justice.
The public lawyers who defend the nation's poor in federal court worry sequester cuts could slow the wheels of justice.
Bruno Vincent/Getty Images

U.S. housing department plans 7-day shutdown due to sequester

Mar 27, 2013
The Department of Housing and Urban Development chooses total shutdown over furloughs.

The new U.S. veteran: Young and looking for work

Mar 20, 2013
The Bureau of Labor Statistics has released data on unemployment among U.S. veterans, and the numbers aren't pretty. A big part of the problem: Many recent veterans are in a demographic which is suffering joblessness already -- young Americans.