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GDP grows at weakest pace in 2 years

Feb 28, 2013
The government has revised its latest GDP figures, saying the economy grew at a rate of 0.1 percent during the last three months of 2012. The increase was the weakest GDP performance in two years.

Sen. Chuck Grassley: We will go into sequester

Feb 28, 2013
U.S. Senator Charles Grassley (R-IA) joins Marketplace Morning Report host Jeremy Hobson to discuss the sequester and its likely impact on the economy.

Sequester to hit long-term unemployment benefits

Feb 28, 2013
When state unemployment benefits run out, federal long-term unemployment payments kick in. But sequester budget cuts could reduce those payments, putting the squeeze on those who can least afford it.

Sequester could upend lives of federal workers

Feb 28, 2013
Some federal employees stand to lose as much as 20 percent of their wages because of the sequester.

Sequester threatens to delay tax refunds

Feb 27, 2013
Taxpayers face a double whammy thanks to the sequester. The budget cuts could delay IRS refunds. That's after the fiscal cliff debate delayed the start of filing season.

Will you take a hit from the sequester?

Feb 27, 2013
Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke has warned members of Congress that the sequester's spending cuts, which kick in on Friday, will harm the already fragile economic recovery.

Wall Street takes the sequester in stride

Feb 27, 2013
Two days away from the sequester, the Dow is pretty much right where it was a month ago. Why is Wall Street seemingly unfazed by Washington's latest fiscal deadline?

For public good, not for profit.

Sequestration: How China sees the prospect of U.S. military cuts

Feb 27, 2013
China is a rising military power in the Pacific and the U.S. is partly a counterbalance, but U.S. military sequester spending cuts may turn out to be a mixed blessing for China.

How does the sequester compare to budget cuts past? A brief history

Feb 26, 2013
Budget cuts known as sequester aren’t unprecedented, experts say. But their timing and indiscriminate nature are worrying.

The sequester: 'More like The Blob than Frankenstein'

Feb 25, 2013
The automatic budget cuts won't happen all at once.