Who picked the word 'sequester' anyway?

Feb 21, 2013
Give us your suggestions for a better word for "sequester."

Sen. Mark Warner on why the sequester cuts are 'stupid'

Feb 20, 2013
Sen. Mark Warner (D-Va.) explains why across-the-board cuts on defense spending and elsewhere is bad business.

Nation's capital gripped by 'sequester stress'

Feb 19, 2013
D.C. denizens turn to happy hours, cigarettes to cope with looming budget cuts.

The economy + Valentine's Day = True love?

Feb 15, 2013
On Thursday, American Airlines and US Airways officially announced their long-rumored merger. And Warren Buffett's Berkshire Hathaway said it made a match with Ketchup giant Heinz, in a deal worth billions.

The fiscal cliff reprise: Meet the sequester

Feb 11, 2013
There are less than three weeks to go until Washington's latest budget deadline -- the $85 billion spending cut package known as the sequester.

'Sequester' could cripple recovery: White House

Feb 8, 2013
Today the White House released a fact sheet on how the sequester could potentially impact jobs, the economy, and the middle class.

Just how would the 'sequester' affect you?

Feb 7, 2013
For one thing, 63,000 kids would get booted from Head Start.

For public good, not for profit.

President Obama drops budget surprise at third debate

Oct 23, 2012
President Obama's debate vow that a trillion dollars in automatic spending cuts “will not happen” took Washington by surprise. Making those words a reality will require a bipartisan deal that has been elusive so far.