Sales tax holidays: A lot of hype for a little saving

Aug 13, 2014
They're bad for budgets, but Americans love our state sales tax holidays.

The best days of the week to shop

May 30, 2014
Forget the weekends. Spend your money mid-week in order to get the best deals.

Supermarkets are super tiny compared to Wal-Mart

Mar 7, 2014
In the grocery business, supermarkets are the underdog

Returns help retailers play for keeps

Dec 25, 2013
No retailers like returns. But they generate a lot of data, that retailers are starting to use to make purchases stick.
Moving product at the Amazon Swansea fulfillment center in Swansea, Wales
Matt Cardy/Getty Images

In which U.S. holiday shopping is mellow

Dec 4, 2013
You think holiday shoppers in the U.S. are crazy? You ain't seen nothing.

Look at what we bought!

Dec 3, 2013
A final note in which you lose a little faith in humanity.

A game plan to brave holiday shopping

Nov 29, 2013
Marketplace’s Sabri Ben-Achour braves the holiday shopping crowds to find out how opening on Thanksgiving Day affected this year’s sales figures.

For public good, not for profit.

Shopping: As American as apple pie on Thanksgiving

Nov 28, 2013
Stores are opening up earlier than ever this Thanksgiving, in an effort to lure shoppers. Not everyone is happy about it.

App focused products reign supreme

Nov 28, 2013
Once again, it's the Year of the Tablet.

The most practical Thanksgiving Day shopping list we may ever hear

Nov 28, 2013
When you hear Black Friday, you may think of a fun shopping spree. But some people plan to use the day to buy more practical items.