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Playing matchmaker in Silicon Valley

Sep 29, 2014
Dating coaches update wardrobes, make reservations and even buy new hand towels.

Google explores why everyone is a little bit racist

Sep 26, 2014
New York Times reporter Farhad Manjoo says Google knows diversifying is good biz.

Tech IRL: Visiting TechCrunch Disrupt

Sep 12, 2014
Lizzie O’Leary talks with Marketplace Tech host Ben Johnson about the future of start-ups.

'Security Princess' or 'Engineering Manager'?

Sep 5, 2014
One of the perks of working in Silicon Valley can be choosing your own title.

If California were divided into six states...

Jul 15, 2014
In which direct democracy shoots itself in the foot.

How to make $7k a month at your high school internship

Jul 8, 2014
What are Silicon Valley interns doing to be making 5 to 7 grand a month?

Silicon Valley comes to Oakland

Jun 25, 2014
The tech start-up scene in Oakland is distinguishing itself with diversity.

For public good, not for profit.

How I learned to stop worrying and love 'Silicon Valley'

Jun 5, 2014
Looking at this week's numbers, HBO's show about techies looks good and might even survive the fears that it doesn't feature enough women.

Is there another tech bubble on the verge of bursting?

Apr 23, 2014
One famed activist investor says there is a tech bubble and he's betting against it.