Morning person, or night owl? It matters

Sep 9, 2014
Ethical thinking declines when employees work against their natural sleep schedule.

High school will keep starting too early. Here's why.

Aug 25, 2014
Too little sleep is a health hazard, but school boards aren't changing.
The American Academy of Pediatrics is the latest group to declare that most middle and high school classes start too early for teenagers to properly function.
Eric James Sarmiento/Via creative commons

Jawbone tracks big cities' 'Zzz's

Aug 15, 2014
The Wall Street Journal visualized hundreds of Up users' sleep schedules.

Showing up to work tired is just like showing up to work drunk

Nov 6, 2013
The average American sleeps an hour and a half less per night than she used to -- and that's costing employers $63 billion a year.

8.5 million Americans love sleeping pills: CDC

Aug 29, 2013
A look at the modestly growing market for sleeping pills in the U.S.

Americans not getting enough sleep

Mar 28, 2012
New information from the Centers for Disease Control reveals that more than quarter of the U.S. population say they're not getting enough shuteye. The issue has consequences on our economy and health.

The hard decision

Feb 17, 2012
One of the toughest decisions a pet owner has to make is how and when to end an animal's life. Tess talks with pet owners and a vet about balancing the cost of life and death.
Tess Vigeland's dogs: Ronan, left, and Kiara.
Tess Vigeland/Marketplace

For public good, not for profit.

Sleep app

Oct 10, 2011
How are you sleeping? Not so great? There's a new app called Zeo that's supposed to help with all that. It all starts with a headband. From Reuters...