No 'blog tax' in Philadelphia

Sep 14, 2010
But the city has an unrelenting small business tax that requires you to pay taxes on any money you make -- even if it's just $11 a year from Google Ads.

Cuba's big transition from public to private

Sep 14, 2010
Reporter Kenny Malone talks to Cuba experts to see how they expect Cuba will be affected by layoff of half a million public sector workers.

Small biz against more tax filings law

Sep 14, 2010
Republicans are pushing an amendment to repeal a provision of the Obama health care reform law that adds new tax reporting requirements for business owners. Mitchell Hartman reports.

Reich: Corporate tax cuts not the answer

Sep 8, 2010
Commentator Robert Reich believes that President Obama's proposed tax cuts come from the false belief that a key to economic growth is lowering the cost of capital.

Will business tax breaks lift the economy?

Sep 7, 2010
The Obama Administration announced several proposals to stimulate the economy, including tax break extensions. Marketplace's Mitchell Hartman sees how tax breaks could influence business growth and if it'll result in job creation.

Bernanke wants consumers and businesses to spend towards a recovery

Aug 27, 2010
Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke encouraged more consumers and businesses to spend money in a speech this morning. But with confidence lacking in the public, that idea may be a tough sell.

Getting Personal: Building capital, gay marriage finances

Aug 27, 2010
Tess Vigeland and Los Angeles Times' personal finance David Lazarus answer your money questions.

For public good, not for profit.

Groupon can be too much of a good thing

Aug 26, 2010
Groupon, a popular discount website, is a way to get a business lots of exposure fast. But the attention can be too much to handle for small businesses.

If there was a double-dip recession...

Aug 24, 2010
Bill Radke speaks to Gus Faucher of Moody's about the potential of a double-dip recession and how prepared consumers and businesses are if it happens.

Detroiters hope firms can help lift city

Aug 16, 2010
For years, Detroit watched its fortunes decline as the auto industry shrank. But the tide may be turning. The insurance giant Blue Cross/Blue Shield of Michigan is planning to move 3,000 workers into the city next year. And the nation's largest online mortgage company is relocating to downtown Detroit. Sarah Hulett reports.