Can the Jonas Brothers quell Huawei spying concerns?

Jul 17, 2013
Chinese tech company Huawei is teaming up with pop group Jonas Brothers to boost its image in America. Huawei wants to be known in the U.S. for its new smartphones, but so far, it's mostly famous in Congress.

Chinese social media app targets the U.S. market

Jul 16, 2013
Wechat, the wildly popular texting app from the Chinese Internet giant Tencent, has nearly 400 million users worldwide. It plans to target American consumers next.

How technology can change the way we interact with cash

Jul 12, 2013
As technology evolves and makes it easier for consumers to use their phones to pay for things, will it change our behavior as well?

A whole new meaning to the term 'sexting'

Jul 12, 2013
A new survey finds that one in 10 American adults admits to using a smartphone during sex. And among 18-34-year-olds, it's one in five.

Financial Feud: Buy iPhone outright vs. Make monthly payments

Jun 29, 2013
Have your kids ever asked you for something you said they'd have to earn instead? For one listener and her teenage son, it was an iPhone. Hear what our experts have to say about their financial feud.
Justin Sullivan/Getty Images

Jay-Z and Samsung: Not a businessman, a business, man

Jun 18, 2013
What Jay-Z's deal with Samsung says about the future of music distribution.

10 ways your teenager is using the Internet

Mar 13, 2013
Smartphone use by teens is skyrocketing. The Pew Research Center's Internet and American Life Project has new stats on how young people are using technology these days.

For public good, not for profit.

Market for desktops on decline

Jan 24, 2013
Smartphones and tablets are changing the equation for desktop computers. And an entire industry is feeling the pain.

Technology at Davos; Telemedicine in the smartphone age

Jan 23, 2013
At the 43rd annual World Economic Forum in Davos, global leaders are meeting to discuss more than just business and politics. Technology is also on the agenda this year. And telemedicine -- providing medical care over the internet -- takes off in the smartphone age.

Sen. Al Franken's Location Privacy Protection Act

Dec 20, 2012
Senator Al Franken is pushing for more privacy options when it comes to location data.