To fix housing collapse, Spain looks to foreigners

Dec 14, 2012
Spain mulls new law offering residency to foreigners who buy pricey property.

Spain's banks to suspend foreclosures for the needy

Nov 16, 2012
The Spanish government is suspending foreclosures for the neediest homeowners just a week after a woman there committed suicide when officials arrived at her apartment to seize it.

Strikes signal greater unity problems in eurozone

Nov 14, 2012
Europeans in Spain, Portugal and Greece protest austerity measures with a general strike today, but the real problem could be a greater lack of unity across the eurozone.

Across Europe, workers synchronize strikes against austerity

Nov 14, 2012
Millions of workers went on strike across Europe today in protest against public spending cuts. Hundreds of flights have been cancelled, car factories and ports have been shut, and rail services disrupted.

Despite Spanish downturn, many immigrants stay

Nov 5, 2012
A lack of jobs has not convinced many immigrants who came to Spain during better times to leave.

Spain continues bailout waiting game

Oct 18, 2012
For months now, Spain has been bracing itself for a bailout. While the country waits, the government has already made many of the deep budget cuts that typically come with bailouts.

In Northern Spain, hard times stir separatist feelings

Oct 16, 2012
In the Northern Spanish region of Catalonia, many say they would be better to go it alone. This rich region puts more into the central government than it gets out and Catalans are starting to resent this.

For public good, not for profit.

Weekly unemployment claims fall to four year low

Oct 11, 2012
New weekly claims for unemployment fell last week to the lowest level in four and a half years. Elsewhere around the world, the S&P has downgraded the soveign debt of Spain.

Red Cross launches appeal for Spanish poor

Oct 10, 2012
The disaster relief agency asks for help to assist those affected by the European debt crisis.

Spain delays bailout, China growth slows

Oct 8, 2012
In Europe, the latest signals are that Spain will not take a bailout in the immediate term. China's economic growth is slowing as investment takes a back seat to consumer spending.