Is 'bailout fatigue' creeping up in Europe?

Oct 2, 2012
Whispers and nameless sources this morning are signaling Spain is preparing to ask the European Central Bank for a sovereign bailout causing bond and equity markets in Europe to zig and zag throughout the day.

Spain's government announces tough new budget

Sep 27, 2012
In further austerity measures, the government imposes some $50 billion of tax hikes and spending cuts

Spain gets serious with budget plan, mixed U.S. economic data

Sep 27, 2012
Spain has unveiled an ambitious budget plan. Will it be enough to get the job done? Meanwhile, what does the mixed economic data in the U.S. mean for the economy?

Budget cuts causing more strain in Spain

Sep 27, 2012
Today the government of Spain is expected to lay out yet another new budget with even more cuts in it.

What’s up, Europe? Mass protests in Greece and Spain

Sep 26, 2012
Markets are shaken by the mass protests against austerity measures in Greece and Spain. Investors are questioning their earlier optimism over the prospects of recovery in Europe.

Protests continue in Spain over budget cuts

Sep 26, 2012
More protests are expected in Spain today after some big demonstrations last night. There's outrage over a new round of budget cuts as Spain tries to avoid becoming the next Greece.

Spanish leader yet to agree on bailout conditions

Sep 11, 2012
Last week in Europe there was relative euphoria: The European Central Bank said it stood ready to buy the government bonds of any nation that came seeking its help. That would help countries like Spain and Italy keep their borrowing costs down, and keep them from lapsing into financial crisis.

For public good, not for profit.

What's up, Europe? ECB plan gives hope, worries Spain

Sep 10, 2012
Markets have been a brighter in the past week after the European Central Bank announced a plan to keep Spain, Italy and other troubled economies afloat. But the possibility of even more austerity on top of sky-high unemployment has the Spanish worried.

Spanish borrowing costs up, German rating may go down

Jul 24, 2012
Spain's borrowing costs are up to 7.5 percent -- the higest since it joined the euro. As a result of the regional crisis, Moody's announced today that it is poised to lower Germany's credit rating to AA.

Spain leads to more woes for Europe

Jul 23, 2012
New fears of a Spanish recession despite bailout measures are shaking global markets today as the threat of Greece's economic crisis still looms large in the region.