How Greek elections will impact worldwide markets

Jun 15, 2012
The big story today is Europe and the upcoming Greek elections. Analysts are trying to make sense of what the results will mean for other markets around the world.

Germany continues to push austerity and reform

Jun 14, 2012
The Group of 20 top economic powers meets this weekend to discuss the eurozone debt crisis. German leader, Angela Merkel, has cautioned the region on overestimating Germany's capacity to fix the crisis.

Spain avoids government bailout with bank rescue

Jun 11, 2012
Wounded banks in Spain will now be able to draw up to $125 billion in money from the EU. Spanish Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy credited government reforms with limiting the scope of the financial crisis to the banking system.

Spanish bailout won't alleviate the eurozone crisis

Jun 11, 2012
A closer look at Spain's economy shows its fundamental problems won't be simply solved by the $125 billion bailout.

Spain's bailout: Good idea or moral hazard?

Jun 11, 2012
Now that Spain has received a favorable bailout deal, will other countries in Europe expect the same?

Bailout in Spain buys time and clips contagion

Jun 11, 2012
Just in time for the Greek elections next weekend, the EU bailout of Spanish banks aims to send the signal that the eurozone will stand behind its biggest countries.

Spain gets a short term fix in euro bailout

Jun 11, 2012
European leaders agreed to bail out Spain's banks to the tune of $125 billion over the weekend. Spanish banks were hemorrhaging cash ahead of this weekend's crucial election in Greece -- that could lead to a Greek exit from the euro.

For public good, not for profit.

Spain asks for bailout, Fed sets new banking buffer

Jun 8, 2012
One of the big rain clouds hanging over markets this morning is coming from Spain. There are reports that the Spanish government could ask Europe to bailout its banks this weekend.

Obama urges action on Euro crisis, jobs bill

Jun 8, 2012
Today President Obama urged Europe's leaders to act quickly to solve their economic crisis. On the domestic front, the president asked Congress to reevaluate the jobs bill he delivered to the Capitol last year.

Uncertainty lingers in Spain after bond auction

Jun 7, 2012
Spain raised $2.6 billion in a bond sale this morning, but the higher interest rate of 6.1 percent shows that investors are still concerned that Spain has not wiped their hands clean of the financial mess just yet.