Do the ratings agencies need a downgrade?

Dec 8, 2011
Europe and the U.S. are both exploring new options for judging the value of debt after increasing threats of downgrade from agencies like S&P and Moody's.

Rating agency again steps into political fray

Dec 6, 2011
First, the U.S. debt ceiling debate; now Europe. Standard & Poor’s threat to cut countries’ credit ratings appears meant to prod political action.

Standard & Poor's downgrades major U.S. banks

Nov 30, 2011
Pressure builds in Europe as clear signs begin to show that a default there would hit the U.S. banks hard.

Dozens of financial institutions downgraded by S&P

Nov 30, 2011
Banks today are reeling, just a day after Standard & Poor's downgraded dozens of financial institutions all around the world -- including here in the United States.

If super committee fails, risk of another downgrade

Nov 18, 2011
There are five days until the super committee's intended deadline to make big budget cuts for the U.S. If they fail, more ratings agencies could downgrade the country's debt.

China: Stuck with its addiction to U.S. debt

Aug 7, 2011
Shanghai's Pudong district...built with help from the purchase of US debt. Officially, the response from China's government to...

For public good, not for profit.

A change in the S&P 500 stock index

Dec 10, 2010
This final note on the way out, an observation about the ever-evolving state of the American economy. Standard & Poor's announced some changes...