Maybe there'll be a Black Friday deal for Darth Vader?

Nov 25, 2010
And this final note: When you see a wire story with the headline "Darth Vader Update" -- well you gotta check THAT one, right? Turns out evil...

Holographic telepresence

Nov 4, 2010
The idea of projecting and seeing a 3D holographic image - without horrible 3D goggles - just got a whole lot closer to reality thanks to...

George Lucas announces new plan to ruin everything

Sep 29, 2010
He's re-releasing all six Star Wars movies (the three actual movies plus the three abominations against all that is holy) in 3D. Starting with...

Lucas suing Jedi Mind, Inc.

Aug 24, 2010
George Lucas is protecting the Star Wars legacy again.  This time, he's suing a company called Jedi Mind, Inc. They make a wireless headset that...

Lightsaber app

Jul 2, 2010
A fun way to pretend to have a light saber without going and getting yourself killed or incinerated.

For public good, not for profit.

George Lucas not happy about the real and dangerous light saber

Jul 1, 2010
Wicked Lasers has been selling a portable laser that looks an awful lot like a Star Wars light saber for around $200.  Anyone can order it online...

Observe! Space observatory dressed up like observer from space!

Jun 4, 2010
Here in Minnesota, prankster students draped the Carleton College observatory to look like R2-D2. Good thing they didn't make it look like Jar-Jar...