Digg sold for scrap

Jul 13, 2012
The last remnants of the once popular social media site were sold yesterday -- for just $500,000.

The angels of Silicon Valley

Jul 3, 2012
Angel investors fund the very early stages of startups, looking to get in early on the next big thing. A lot of angel money ends up going down the drain, but that's just the price of innovation.

Will health care law spur entrepreneurs?

Jun 29, 2012
Some say cheaper insurance could help startup owners focus on business.

From dreams to reality, by way of Kickstarter

Apr 30, 2012
Some 50,000 projects have launched through the crowdfunding site so far. Co-founder Yancey Strickler talks about some of his favorite Kickstarter projects.

Clarkson University backs student entrepreneurs

Apr 25, 2012
With the cost of college climbing, a small private school offers students a way to get smart, and build a business -- tuition-free.

JOBS Act boosts startups through 'crowdfunding'

Apr 5, 2012
With the JOBS Act, small companies can now get off the ground by selling stock on the Internet to everyday people -- without going through the hassle of a stock exchange.

A woman's way into entrepreneurship

Feb 3, 2012
Most entrepreneurs in the U.S. are male, but more and more women are starting businesses. Meet two women who've taken very different paths to entrepreneurship and growth.

For public good, not for profit.