Apple becomes the most valuable publicly traded company -- for a few hours

Aug 9, 2011
This final note on the way out. There was a brief rip in the economic space time continuum today. Don't know if you felt it. Long about mid-day,...

MID-DAY UPDATE: January job numbers, German stock market, and banana wars

Feb 4, 2011
Big news from the U.S. Labor Department today. The unemployment rate is down to 9 percent -- the lowest it's been in almost two years. At the same...

Big business reacts to the health care overhaul...

Oct 4, 2010
This morning's Wall Street Journal reports, the big manufacturer 3M says it will stop offering some kinds of health insurance because of the...

MID-DAY UPDATE: Economic news bad. Stock prices good.

Jul 22, 2010
/**/ Sales of previously occupied homes fell in June; new unemployment benefit plans rose. Yet at this writing, Wall Street's jumping. What d...