What to do when you can't pay for college

May 2, 2014
Saving for college is a priority for many parents, but sometimes life gets in the way. What do you do with zero savings?

Deciphering financial aid offers for college

Apr 25, 2014
If a financial aid package looks too good to be true, it probably is.

Hey Occupy Wall Street! Will you buy my debt?

Nov 13, 2013
A group of Occupy activists says it's bought almost $15 million of people's personal debt on the cheap.

Talking about how to pay for college

Sep 20, 2013
It's a conversation that not all families have: How to pay for college. One high school junior and her mother discuss what they talked about.

Is student loan debt the next housing crisis?

Aug 30, 2013
As more and more debt piles on, many make comparisons between this bubble and the one that burst a few years back: housing. But are they really that similar?

Setting limits: Advice on paying for college

Aug 30, 2013
For many families, paying for college is a balancing act. You want to give your child the best options, but you don't know how to talk about what you can afford.

Paying for college: We don't spend as much as we think

Aug 30, 2013
The cost of college is rising faster than inflation. But when you take financial aid into account, it’s gone up only modestly faster than inflation.

For public good, not for profit.

Does the government make money from student loans?

Aug 30, 2013
We hear all the time that student loan debt is on the rise, and isn't likely to slow down anytime soon. For all those federal loans, though, does the government really make any money?

Student loan interest rate capped at 8.25%

Jul 26, 2013
The compromise approved by the Senate puts a ceiling on the interest rates for undergraduate student loans.

Tuition snapshot: Parents, high-income families paying less for college

Jul 23, 2013
According to a new report from student loan servicer Sallie Mae, parents are shelling out less money for their kid's college tuition. Before you break out the champagne, let's explore those numbers.