Why you shouldn't go back to school

May 10, 2013
In her new book, "Don't Go Back to School," author Kio Stark discusses why scores of people think traditional higher education is a waste of money.

Wait, we don't have a student debt crisis?

Feb 22, 2013
This year, for the first time, total outstanding student loans will exceed $1 trillion. That's a crisis, right? The Atlantic argues no.

The trouble with refinancing a student loan

Feb 18, 2013
So why can't students cash in on these crazy low interest rates, anyway?

CFPB to look at college-backed financial products aimed at students

Feb 15, 2013
Many colleges now offer student loans and grants on debit cards, without disclosing their agreements with banks. That's caught the federal government's attention.

Report: Student debt up five percent

Oct 18, 2012
A report out this morning says college students are leaving school ever deeper in debt. Students graduated last year owing more than $26,000 on average -- up five percent from the year before.

Paying for school when you're already in debt

Oct 12, 2012
When you pursue higher education with a big debt load weighing you down, it can be hard to figure out how to manage your scarce resources and still achieve your goals.
College graduates
Mark Wilson/Getty Images

Listener questions on saving, spending, and managing debt

Sep 21, 2012
Host Tess Vigeland and Jill Schlesinger, editor at large for CBS's Moneywatch.com, answers listener questions about retirement, savings, students loans, and money management.

For public good, not for profit.

Older students lead loan delinquents

Jul 18, 2012
Surprisingly -- or not so surprising -- 40- to 49-year-olds have the most delinquent student loan debt.

Students saddled with bigger share of college costs

Jul 16, 2012
A new survey reveals that families are increasingly eliminating certain colleges based on cost, and students are taking on more of the burden themselves as parents' share declines.

New push to ease student loan repayment

Jun 7, 2012
The federal government will streamline the process that borrowers use to get their payments capped at just 15 percent of their salaries.