Can my DNA be patented? No, say justices

Jun 13, 2013
The Supreme Court’s ruling appears to be a serious blow to the business model of bringing to market products derived from naturally occurring DNA.

Pro-gay marriage PAC's lure moderate Republicans

Mar 25, 2013
However the Supreme Court decides two cases on same-sex marriage, some Republican PAC's are prepared to back candidates who support gay marriage.

How much does a big Supreme Court case like gay marriage cost?

Mar 25, 2013
Just getting a petition before the Supreme Court can cost a quarter-million in legal fees. If accepted, cases that have taken years of strategizing, while working their way through lower courts, can cost millions.

Cheap generic drugs face possible legal liabilities

Mar 19, 2013
The Supreme Court will hear arguments on Tuesday in a case that could decide whether generic drug makers can be held liable for alleged flaws in the designs of their medications.

Tech companies tell Supreme Court: We support same-sex marriage

Feb 28, 2013
Technology firms like Facebook and eBay are heavily represented among corporations and cities filing briefs supporting same-sex marriage in cases before the U.S. Supreme Court.

Citizens United Part II? Supreme Court takes up direct campaign donations

Feb 20, 2013
On Tuesday, the court announced it will take up a case challenging limits on how much individuals can contribute directly to candidates or political parties within an two-year election cycle.

After 3 years, new attempts to limit Citizens United

Jan 17, 2013
The Supreme Court's Citizens United ruling, allowing unlimited campaign spending by corporations and unions, is three years old. New York is taking the lead in trying to make donors more transparent.

For public good, not for profit.

Supreme Court affirmative action case a test for employers

Oct 10, 2012
The Supreme Court's review of racial preferences in college admissions won't invalidate racial considerations in hiring.

Low tech at the high court

Jun 29, 2012
The Supreme Court justices keep it old-school to maintain the majesty and dignity of the nation’s highest court. Plus, new opportunities to go to an Ivy League university for free.

Supreme Court upholds core of Obama health care law

Jun 28, 2012
After much deliberation and anticipation, the U.S. Supreme Court has ruled on the Affordable Care Act and the universal mandate, and has determined it is constitutional under Congress' authority to tax.