Daschle: Supreme Court will 'make history' with health care ruling

Jun 28, 2012
The former Senate majority leader says the Affordable Care Act is not the first federally mandated program, but got a bad wrap after getting tied up in politics.

States await health care decision

Jun 28, 2012
As the Supreme Court prepares to decide the constitutionality of the Affordable Care Act, states are waiting to see if their gambles about whether the law would be overturned will pay off.

High court rules, but states' questions remain

Jun 28, 2012
The Supreme Court had the final say on upholding the constitutionality of the Affordable Care Act, but conservative states aren't clamoring for newly available Medicaid money.

Supreme Court Scorecard: The Health Care Vote

Jun 27, 2012
In its landmark decision on the constitutionality of the Affordable Care Act The Supreme Court ruled in favor of the individual mandate and the expansion of Medicaid. See how each justice ruled.

Health industry faces big decisions with Supreme Court ruling

Jun 27, 2012
It's hard to find an example of the Supreme Court tossing out a law, where more had already been done to implement it. If even part of health care reform is tossed out, insurers and regulators face a huge task deciding what to undo, and how.

Packed court docket is a boom for SCOTUSblog

Jun 26, 2012
A series of high-profile decisions from the Supreme Court this term have meant a giant jump in traffic and attention for the SCOTUSblog.

How U.S. immigration law compares to other countries

Jun 26, 2012
The U.S. Supreme Court struck down much of Arizona's undocumented immigration law, but it upheld the so-called 'show me your papers' provision. How does the rest of the world handle immigration?

For public good, not for profit.

Lawyers and lobbyists play waiting game

Jun 26, 2012
With the Supreme Court's decision on the Affordable Care Act pushed until Thursday, the usual parlor game of guessing what the justices will decide has become something of a waiting game, too.

Groups mobilize for health care decision

Jun 26, 2012
When the Supreme Court makes its decision on the Affordable Care Act, advocacy groups will be trying to maximize their national exposure as a way to boost their brands.

Decisions on students, health care and immigration pending

Jun 25, 2012
A decision is expected from the Supreme Court on President Obama's health care overhaul, which is sure to have big economic implications however it is decided -- but there are some other high stakes battles going on.